Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Promethazine Tab San Medication


1656 100. One day a monk said to him: "Father, your life and conduct is was and is a torch and a model not only for your brothers, but for the whole Church of God, and so will be your death. Of course, your brothers and many other people your passing will cause unspeakable pain and sadness, but for you it will be immense comfort and endless joy. In fact, you pass from this heavy work to the greatest sufferings and trials of many rest in the joy without end, from the harsh poverty (you always loved and joyfully embraced by the conversion to date) to the greatest treasure and truth, infinite; pass from physical death to eternal life, where you'll always face to face for the Lord your God, who in this world you covered

1585 37. For the great tenderness and compassion that every day he felt in contemplating the humility of the Son of God and follow their examples, what could bitter to its flesh, and it felt like a welcomed sweetness. And so every day complained of pain and bitterness that Christ suffered for us, and even if they have afflicted in body and soul that is not cured of their ailments.

1598 49. is not surprising that the fire and sometimes it would honor all creatures. As we have seen, lived with him, Francis had a great love affection and respect for them, and gives him so much joy. She looked so natural to all creatures, compassion and understanding that when someone treated them without regard, he suffered. He spoke with them with so much joy, inner and outer beings endowed with such feeling, intelligence and word of God, that very often, in those moments, he was kidnapped in the contemplation of God

Amati brothers would like to submit to your heart These excerpts from the Legend of Perugia ( medieval book on the life of Francis of Assisi ) to underline the mystical experience of a man who is often seen only as a masterful composer of the "Canticle of the Creatures" or at most as one who spoke to the animals. You should consider the miracle of a familiarity with the elements and creatures had their own virtue of the Lord Jesus as given to all those who are his friends

In truth, I tell you, whoever believes in me will do what I do, and will do more than these, because I go unto my Father. (Jn 14:12)

The human experience of Francis is therefore primarily a mystical experience that draws strength from the intense intimacy with your Lord, there can be no matter the two. It is not credible who does wonders without spending a single intense moment of love with the Beloved and works and words are not credible without the Holy Spirit because ...

the mouth speaks from the fullness heart. (Lk 6:45)

everything that has made prodigious Francis should however be seen as a milestone for our spiritual life, in fact our goal is the Face of Christ is not your hands.

Of you my heart: "Seek his face 'Your face, Lord, I seek. Do not hide your face (Psalm 27.8-9)

Search for the Face of God, and desire to the point that the loss of interest in things of the earth and life itself becomes meaningless without God, the ' "seraphic ardor" that stands for Consumers love love love ...

snatch, I pray thee, O Lord, the fiery and sweet power of your mind miada love all things under heaven, because I die for the sake of your love, as thou hast vouchsafed to die for the sake of 'my love . (Prayer of Francis of Assisi)

So, what we like to point out and proclaim is the extraordinary intimacy of the man with the Christ who makes it, surely the deepest of the period, but among the most mystical of the story throughout the church. Hardly humanity has gone that far in the Spirit, hardly a soul so unsatisfied of their human condition, but accepted with great humility, dared to cross the threshold of the improbable, the impossible, mysticism pure uncompromising ... What we need to admire and imitate Francis is undoubtedly the highest virtue and its spiritual level that in such a short time this young man (aged 22 years to 44) in 20 year journey has been. His asceticism was not a pious exercise of low or mere religious bigotry made little prayer or liturgies sterile but was forged in the fires of suffering and pain, built minute by minute and tear after tear, because the choice to see God in face on this earth can not go through the death and pain.

Moses on the mountain said: "Show me your glory."
said, "I'll pass all my goodness to you and proclaim my name, Lord, in front of you. I will be gracious to whom I will have grace and mercy on whom I will have mercy. " He added: "But you can not see my face, because no man can see me and live." The Lord said: "Here's a place near me. You'll be above the rock: When my glory passes by, I will put you in the hollow of the rock and will cover you with my hand until I have passed by. Then I will remove your hand and you will see my back, but my face you can not see. "
(Ex 33.13-23)

That was before humanity knew the Divine Incarnation of Jesus the Messiah, because after Jesus itself was elevated to a higher dignity, to a higher level that could only grow over time with the true worshipers, those in Spirit and Truth .. .

Lord, show us the Father and us all. " Jesus replied: "I have often been with you and you do not know me, Philip? Whoever has seen me has seen the Father. How can you say 'Show us the Father? (Jn 14.8-9 )

But Francis was not enough to please God, not enough abductions summer when the Lord comforted his heart, not enough acquaintances angelic to cheer her illness, was an insatiable "greed" of God His whole life was a constant go further, break new ground in the spirit, and advance beyond the limits of its carnality, its human condition, his poor corporeality and at one point he dared. Asked the unthinkable, he formulated a question in the history of Christianity was not and will never be made by anyone ... especially the dire consequences its exaggerated folly of love, but his intimacy, his friendship, his deep and radical relationship with her was such that King got what he asked for, not because he had the audacity to ask, but because it was the only one who could bear the weight of the cross carried by Jesus who was never before nor ever was resting ripoggiata

... then ... " O my Lord Jesus Christ, through two beg you to do me, before I die The first, that in my life I feel in soul and my body, as far as possible, that pain that you, sweet Jesus, sostenesti the time of your most bitter passion, the second is ch 'I feel in my heart, As far as possible, that excessive love of which you, Son of God, you were willing to support on a lot of passion for us sinners .

So his prayer did not remain unheard. It was made worthy, in fact, to receive on your body the visible signs of the Passion of Christ. The miracle took place in a manner so admirable that the shepherds and the inhabitants of the area reported seeing the brothers for about an hour on Mount Verna burnt splendor of a living, so much to be afraid of a fire or that the sun had risen before usual. Wrote St. Bonaventure:

" One morning all'appressarsi the feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, while praying on the side of the mountain, saw the figure as a seraph with six wings as bright as fiery, descending the sublimity of heaven itself, with rapid flight, keeping hovered in the air, came next to the man of God, and then appeared in his wings the effigy of a crucified man, who had hands and feet stretched out and nailed on the cross. Two wings were raised above his head, stretched to fly two and two veiled throughout the body. Then he was greatly surprised, while the sadness and joy flooded my heart. He felt joy for the kind attitude with which we saw looked to Christ under the figure of the seraphim. But it's nailed to the cross with the sword pierced the soul of compassion painful. He stared, amazed, that vision so mysterious, conscious that the weakness of passion could not possibly coexist with the spiritual and immortal nature of the seraph. But included here, finally, by divine revelation, the purpose for which the divine providence had shown to her look that vision, namely to let him know in advance that he, the friend of Christ, was about to be transformed everything visible in the portrait of Jesus Christ crucified, not by the martyrdom of the flesh, but through the fire of the spirit (Leg. Maj., I, 13, 3).

This fire of the Spirit is possible, it is necessary, it is right! All we can aim for the experience of Francis, because he "just" a child of God Almighty and not an angelic came from the sky. Intimacy with God is therefore the source and the motor of all life and the spiritual Love is time spent with the medicine that heals and soothes our pain, our disease and our disbelief. The more we are with God we receive more love, more Gurd SuoVolto the closest thing to it, plus listen to your voice to speak for him ...

Come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden light. "(Mt 11:28-30 )



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