Tuesday, March 9, 2010

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Alert weather is .... but not for Casciago! General strike for

Winter over? Of course not! Moreover a close in style you could "imagine", whereas a very disturbed polar vortex and indicia data from the ingress of cold air from the east, the return of the cold. The high pressure is still too far north allowing incursions of arctic travel along the eastern border and flow dell'anticiclone damp coming from the Atlantic to remain relatively low, fueling a phase devoted to precipitation. The cold polar air mass on its long journey within a trough stretching from the Arctic to the west-central basin of the Mediterranean, can involve part of the Peninsula, thus renewing our full winter weather conditions. The clash with the more humid air mass and mild is inevitable, thus generating rather active low pressure areas that produce the intense rainfall also Centrosud and snow up in the plains to the north and Tuscany.

The high-and medium-Varese, including Casciago, it remains (some say for good fortune and those who say sin) excluded from the storms laid low for the Valley and if all goes well we will see a slight sprinkling of including snow accumulations between 0 and 3 cm above 350 msl.

From Friday will still be a good heat with temperatures rising well above average.

Image resulting from www.comune.sovico.mi.it


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