Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Leigh-d Extreme-curves

IHOP International House of Prayer - Kansas City U.S.

My dear brothers and friends of the blog of Jeshua, welcome back everyone! That your return to your daily chores to be kind and you can keep the peace and grace gained during your vacation. It is again true, but the beginning of each hide means uncertainty but also a taste for novelty, and we already avid love of God, we wonder how our Lord will delight our parched and hungry soul with your sweet news.

Meanwhile, I found, by the way of novelty, an Italian translation of the site of the House of Prayer in Kansas City. Often I brought the video taken from the house (Misty, Edwards, Pablo Perez, etc.). and today, I propose the "manifesto" that actually is intended as the purpose and mandate the IHOP (International House of Prayer) I am sure that as beginning is a really good start! Congratulations Joshua!

Mike Bickle is director of International House of Prayer in Kansas City (IHOP-KC-KC) in Mossouri (USA), a ministry of "Worship and intercession 24 hours the haunting spirit of the tabernacle of the divide. Since September 19, 1999, intercession, worship and fasting continued uninterrupted with teams of worship and fasting that cover 365 days a year. Today there are 400 people serving full time in IHOP-KC through worship and intercession and fasting are equipped to fulfill the Great Commission through evangelism, prophetic ministry, healing and helping the poor.
Mike is the president of the Forerunner School of Ministry (FSM), the School of ministreo avant-garde, a full-time Bible school in Kansas City. The vision of FSM is in the context of unceasing prayer ndi day and night, to train 10,000 leadre, musicians and preachers in the knowledge of God in unique, and powerful expressions of love. Mike is the author of several books including: Passion for Jesus, Growing in the Prophetic, The Pleasures of Loving God, After God's Own Heart, The Rewards of Fasting: Experiencing the Emotions and Power of God, to The Seven Longings of the Heart. I know the places emphasis on teaching how to grow in pasiione for Jesus through intimacy with God's mission

Intimacy with Jesus, worship, intercession, healing, prophecy .
In the spirit of Joel 2, covering 365 days a year.
The Great Commission
Proclaiming Jesus and his kingdom to the nations.
Have a pioneering spirit
Preparing the Church to be victorious bride for the last time.

prayer room
The September 10, 1999, is a prayer meeting began which continues to this day, from dawn to dusk and through the watches of the night, prayer and worship continues 24 hours a day seven days a week for six years and oltee.La prayer room is the heart of everything that happens in the House of Prayer IHOP. The Scripture teaches us that prayer day and night is critical because a city to attend to the fullness of revival. (Luke 18:1-7). We offer unconditional adoration to Jesus and ask for the manifestation of justice in every area of \u200b\u200blife. Mary of Bethany unconditionally worshiped Jesus by pouring expensive perfume on his body contained within its alabaster vase. For this reason, the disciples criticized but praised Jesus. And our desire is to worship Jesus in this way, paying our lives at his feet. We want the IHOP-KC is a meeting place, a place of personal transformation, fresh revelation and biblical training, a place where hearts are set free and bodies healed, a place where believers come together and receive new guidelines, a place where there meet to intercede for revival.
Every two hours beginning a new encounter, each of which falls into one of four forms of prayer.

Intercession is a time of common prayer in which the microphone is turned on for everyone in the room wants to use prayers in the Bible to pray for revival in the cities and nations of the earth.

Worship with the Word develops the truths of the Word (often the Psalms) transformed verses in songs, prayers, prophetic worship to God is seeking immediate flow of the Spirit in our midst. Used mainly during the evening worship this form of worship often includes long-time community and administration staff.

meetings of devotional worship create an atmosphere of immersion (soaking) in the Word of God and rest in the privacy of our hearts. All forms of worship and prayer are led by worship team composed of full-time musicians and singers who mix their songs with spoken prayers and proclamations, what we call the Model and Glass Harp (Revelation 5:8). ( For more information about the Harp and chalice and other forms of worship can download the resources of the prayer room to the official website in English)
The prayer room contains chairs and tables that everyone can use in prayer, worship and personal study, can accommodate 800 people. Connected to the prayer room there are small rooms designated for healing prayer, the prophetic ministry and think through the intercession for the nations. While the former can be used at any time, to receive an administration staff must make an appointment to acceptance. In addition, red ribbons on the floor right in front of the angle of the room is a place to pray specifically to end abortion in America.

The Forerunner School of Ministry is a bible school full-time basis based at the International House of Prayer in Kansas City. The preparation theology is provided in the context of unceasing prayer, day and night, so we look for in our limits, to upgrade training in the Western world and respond to the crisis today.
At our school ministry Bible study takes place in a thriving missionary Base animated by prayer day and night. As a result, the intellectual knowledge obtained in class is not separated from the search for intimacy with God, and the theoretical training is not divorced from field experience.
Our vision is to prepare ten thousand leaders, singers, musicians and preachers in the knowledge of God that express love unconditionally and with passion, in the context of prayer day and night.

Forerunner Music Academy Music Academy advanced It 's a full-time music school that is committed to preparing musicians and singers work skilfully and prophetic anointing in the light of the great library that is coming and the proceedings of recent times. The Forerunner Music Academy
want to be musicians and singers to their full potential through a rigorous musical training in the context of continuous prayer and adoration of the House of Prayer and the Ministry of Forerunner Music.
Many worship leaders and the music they love Jesus and yet not have the revelation the power of prophetic music and adoration prophetic. Our vision is to see restored to the music in place of glory in which God had intended all along. We should never allow the music to be reduced to a hobby, a career or just a nice way to "warm up" the worship of our churches. God had always intended as the vehicle that carries us in His glory.

Children's Equipping CenterCentro equipment for children
The Children's Equipping Center (CEC) is one of the main pillars of the House of Prayer in Kansas City. Through a partnership between parents and leaders aims to equip and move to the next generation the reality the values \u200b\u200band priorities of uninterrupted prayer, adoration and intimacy with Jesus
We are a team of educators who wish to develop and create strategic opportunities for children of all ages are issued in prayer, worship God, healing the sick through the intercession, the laying on of hands, in the prophecy, teaching, charity to the poor, preaching, teaching and the salvation of the lost. Our movement wants to see children who have a passionate desire to walk in the fullness of God and at the same time understand the desire that God has for them to walk in the power of the Holy Spirit.

OnethingUna What
Onething ™ Ministries is an arm of the mission of the House of Prayer. Its purpose is to call young people to seek "the only thing that is required" (Luke 10:42) 's sole purpose of their lives. We hold various conferences across the nation each year where it imparts the vision and give practical advice on how to become the people looking for "something."
In Psalm 27:4 King David prayed, "one thing I want and that's just me research, contemplate the beauty of the Lord ..." this is a prayer central to what we are trying to cultivate for this generation. Imagine what would happen if a generation without a purpose to get up having a vision, courage, making it burning and shining lamps. What if a million young people understood deeply the emotions of God, and had a deep awareness of the times in which we are. It 'too bold a claim? A dream too big? These prayers are waiting for an answer, is the only thing we want.

CompanyCompagnia Joseph Joseph
Jesus said that we would have seen in recent days to more turmoil of wars and natural disasters (Matthew 24:6-8, Luke 21:10-11). Today these things are already happening: although in some countries there is peace and security, in other witness to terrible bloodshed, famine and repression. But wherever there is such a great calamity, God hopes to provoke a Joseph. In 1800 BC, was a worldwide famine and God raised up Joseph, a man who had been specially prepared by God for this time, God used it to preserve life (Genesis 45:5), to bring the God-ordained offspring of a new super-power, to write the greatest method of transfer of wealth in history, it would end in the hands of the people of Israel. Joseph was a man of integrity, a very talented businessman, had been put to the test by fire of God and become a man of great humility. Joseph understood the strategies of God like the sons of Issachar, which included time with the knowledge of what Israel should do. (I Chronicles 12:32). Joseph was also prophetic. The Joseph Company is a group of women and men with the anointing of Joseph, who have been prepared by God to be in our generation as Joseph was for her, to preserve life, to be aware of God's will to transfer wealth and power.

Forerunner Media Group ( Messenger Media Group)
Proclaiming the message of the International House of Prayer (IHOP) through music, books, media (TV) and events
The center committed to serve the Great Commission and feeding the poor.
The foundation of the healing ministry is based on the truth of Isaiah 53:4-5, "But were our diseases he bore, our sufferings were those which had been loaded , yet we considered him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted! He was wounded for our transgressions, crushed for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him and by his wounds we are healed. "
As a ministry of prayer we are praying and fighting so that any illness or evil known to man can remain in our midst.
At IHOP-KC, there are five rooms designed in the prayer room to minister to those who need healing.

to learn more about some useful web addresses:

Thursday, July 31, 2008



my advantage and I find it interesting that this article and inspired, to wish All readers and visitors to the blog
Yeshua bless you and accompany you everywhere and Joshua will be waiting to welcome you to your return with a new zeal and new strength to worship Him.

Message for the 2008 holiday card
of Dionysius. Tettamanzi, Archbishop of Milan

are pleased to extend a warm and sincere wishes for your next vacation: for all that you are a time of rest from the weariness of work or study, a time to spend in the serenity with family and friends, especially a time in which to renew and rejuvenate the spirit, discover the pleasure of that inner silence that brings peace to heart and listen to the word of God has
A time for rest, but as a rest?
The summer holiday is the most desired as a moment of pause, and then rest from the pace intense, hungry and often hectic everyday life. The rest, however, does not coincide with the simple "do nothing" and is not synonymous with an empty time to fill in any case - with other noise or forced entertainment - but finds its authenticity and importance in being a time that allows the rediscovery of the essential things, more beautiful and true in our lives, which shows the deepest affection and relationships significant enhancement of the beauty of nature and art, the pleasure of reliving the calm of the natural rhythm of time.
We all need a real rest: for body and soul for the whole person, then, and in particular to his inner self. Only then can we regain our "I" in deep and have true freedom. Ambrose as he liked to say: "Your wealth is your conscience, your gold is Guard your heart ... the man is inside you. Do not ignore him, not to bore him as if he had value, because it is a precious possession "(De officiis, 1.11).
not appear so strange to say that one of the central ways to live in the real time for rest is silence. It 's too deafening noise that surrounds us, there are too many messages and requests, too many proposals and emergencies that fill us in disorder. There is need for silence, ie the inner calm that only knows how to bring order into the chaos of the commitments, it makes us recognize what is essential and crucial in life, makes us inwardly free, opens us up to prayer and contemplation of the gifts - the created, in the works of man, in every heart - the love of God spreads unabated and without measure.
In silence we can also - but here is the summit of our life - to hear the word The forms of God are not counted: each, in a sense, has its own way. But I would quite simply offer this time of rest for the suggestion to read some books of Scripture to discover the great works that God has done for his people. Feel that those pages are alive, who still speak to your heart and your life, because we are now God's people, a people who can never lose hope, founded as it is timeless and unconditional love of God's faithful

a time to "travel through the eyes of the heart"
The rest of the time than a few times is combined with a time of "travel". And so for some may lead you to the vacation experience of visiting distant countries and peoples. It 'a valuable opportunity to treasure, this because the encounter with other cultures opens up more easily on a global scale. I make my
the invitation of John Paul II to "travel through the eyes of the heart." They are learning to know, respect, appreciate every culture and to dialogue with it. The return home can then be enriched by a renewed spirit of understanding, acceptance, solidarity and tolerance towards those who, perhaps by the very countries we visited, they came to live and work with us. "Travelling Eye of the Heart "also means not remain indifferent before the alarming forms of poverty that can be found. There you enter it on the road to growth in us a higher sense of responsibility, justice and solidarity with his brother, far or near, that asks us bread and water.
And like us, so also other travel vacation time. So we asked to receive those who choose our region, our country as a place of their rest. Yes, our community and we first let's do it because who is to feel accepted, wanted, loved. With the many beauties of our territory, to receive our smile and our friendliness. And the experience of friendship that can grow and develop in these meetings, let us feel called to witness to the brotherhood that comes from the Gospel and which is expressed in mutual "exchange of gifts," starting with the inner riches.
to each of you for a holiday full of wisdom, I extend the invitation of the holy book: "Seguine's footsteps and look it, you will manifest, and once established, will not leave. Eventually you'll find in the rest, and she will be turned into joy "(Sirach 6: 27-28).

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Promethazine Tab San Medication


1656 100. One day a monk said to him: "Father, your life and conduct is was and is a torch and a model not only for your brothers, but for the whole Church of God, and so will be your death. Of course, your brothers and many other people your passing will cause unspeakable pain and sadness, but for you it will be immense comfort and endless joy. In fact, you pass from this heavy work to the greatest sufferings and trials of many rest in the joy without end, from the harsh poverty (you always loved and joyfully embraced by the conversion to date) to the greatest treasure and truth, infinite; pass from physical death to eternal life, where you'll always face to face for the Lord your God, who in this world you covered

1585 37. For the great tenderness and compassion that every day he felt in contemplating the humility of the Son of God and follow their examples, what could bitter to its flesh, and it felt like a welcomed sweetness. And so every day complained of pain and bitterness that Christ suffered for us, and even if they have afflicted in body and soul that is not cured of their ailments.

1598 49. is not surprising that the fire and sometimes it would honor all creatures. As we have seen, lived with him, Francis had a great love affection and respect for them, and gives him so much joy. She looked so natural to all creatures, compassion and understanding that when someone treated them without regard, he suffered. He spoke with them with so much joy, inner and outer beings endowed with such feeling, intelligence and word of God, that very often, in those moments, he was kidnapped in the contemplation of God

Amati brothers would like to submit to your heart These excerpts from the Legend of Perugia ( medieval book on the life of Francis of Assisi ) to underline the mystical experience of a man who is often seen only as a masterful composer of the "Canticle of the Creatures" or at most as one who spoke to the animals. You should consider the miracle of a familiarity with the elements and creatures had their own virtue of the Lord Jesus as given to all those who are his friends

In truth, I tell you, whoever believes in me will do what I do, and will do more than these, because I go unto my Father. (Jn 14:12)

The human experience of Francis is therefore primarily a mystical experience that draws strength from the intense intimacy with your Lord, there can be no matter the two. It is not credible who does wonders without spending a single intense moment of love with the Beloved and works and words are not credible without the Holy Spirit because ...

the mouth speaks from the fullness heart. (Lk 6:45)

everything that has made prodigious Francis should however be seen as a milestone for our spiritual life, in fact our goal is the Face of Christ is not your hands.

Of you my heart: "Seek his face 'Your face, Lord, I seek. Do not hide your face (Psalm 27.8-9)

Search for the Face of God, and desire to the point that the loss of interest in things of the earth and life itself becomes meaningless without God, the ' "seraphic ardor" that stands for Consumers love love love ...

snatch, I pray thee, O Lord, the fiery and sweet power of your mind miada love all things under heaven, because I die for the sake of your love, as thou hast vouchsafed to die for the sake of 'my love . (Prayer of Francis of Assisi)

So, what we like to point out and proclaim is the extraordinary intimacy of the man with the Christ who makes it, surely the deepest of the period, but among the most mystical of the story throughout the church. Hardly humanity has gone that far in the Spirit, hardly a soul so unsatisfied of their human condition, but accepted with great humility, dared to cross the threshold of the improbable, the impossible, mysticism pure uncompromising ... What we need to admire and imitate Francis is undoubtedly the highest virtue and its spiritual level that in such a short time this young man (aged 22 years to 44) in 20 year journey has been. His asceticism was not a pious exercise of low or mere religious bigotry made little prayer or liturgies sterile but was forged in the fires of suffering and pain, built minute by minute and tear after tear, because the choice to see God in face on this earth can not go through the death and pain.

Moses on the mountain said: "Show me your glory."
said, "I'll pass all my goodness to you and proclaim my name, Lord, in front of you. I will be gracious to whom I will have grace and mercy on whom I will have mercy. " He added: "But you can not see my face, because no man can see me and live." The Lord said: "Here's a place near me. You'll be above the rock: When my glory passes by, I will put you in the hollow of the rock and will cover you with my hand until I have passed by. Then I will remove your hand and you will see my back, but my face you can not see. "
(Ex 33.13-23)

That was before humanity knew the Divine Incarnation of Jesus the Messiah, because after Jesus itself was elevated to a higher dignity, to a higher level that could only grow over time with the true worshipers, those in Spirit and Truth .. .

Lord, show us the Father and us all. " Jesus replied: "I have often been with you and you do not know me, Philip? Whoever has seen me has seen the Father. How can you say 'Show us the Father? (Jn 14.8-9 )

But Francis was not enough to please God, not enough abductions summer when the Lord comforted his heart, not enough acquaintances angelic to cheer her illness, was an insatiable "greed" of God His whole life was a constant go further, break new ground in the spirit, and advance beyond the limits of its carnality, its human condition, his poor corporeality and at one point he dared. Asked the unthinkable, he formulated a question in the history of Christianity was not and will never be made by anyone ... especially the dire consequences its exaggerated folly of love, but his intimacy, his friendship, his deep and radical relationship with her was such that King got what he asked for, not because he had the audacity to ask, but because it was the only one who could bear the weight of the cross carried by Jesus who was never before nor ever was resting ripoggiata

... then ... " O my Lord Jesus Christ, through two beg you to do me, before I die The first, that in my life I feel in soul and my body, as far as possible, that pain that you, sweet Jesus, sostenesti the time of your most bitter passion, the second is ch 'I feel in my heart, As far as possible, that excessive love of which you, Son of God, you were willing to support on a lot of passion for us sinners .

So his prayer did not remain unheard. It was made worthy, in fact, to receive on your body the visible signs of the Passion of Christ. The miracle took place in a manner so admirable that the shepherds and the inhabitants of the area reported seeing the brothers for about an hour on Mount Verna burnt splendor of a living, so much to be afraid of a fire or that the sun had risen before usual. Wrote St. Bonaventure:

" One morning all'appressarsi the feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, while praying on the side of the mountain, saw the figure as a seraph with six wings as bright as fiery, descending the sublimity of heaven itself, with rapid flight, keeping hovered in the air, came next to the man of God, and then appeared in his wings the effigy of a crucified man, who had hands and feet stretched out and nailed on the cross. Two wings were raised above his head, stretched to fly two and two veiled throughout the body. Then he was greatly surprised, while the sadness and joy flooded my heart. He felt joy for the kind attitude with which we saw looked to Christ under the figure of the seraphim. But it's nailed to the cross with the sword pierced the soul of compassion painful. He stared, amazed, that vision so mysterious, conscious that the weakness of passion could not possibly coexist with the spiritual and immortal nature of the seraph. But included here, finally, by divine revelation, the purpose for which the divine providence had shown to her look that vision, namely to let him know in advance that he, the friend of Christ, was about to be transformed everything visible in the portrait of Jesus Christ crucified, not by the martyrdom of the flesh, but through the fire of the spirit (Leg. Maj., I, 13, 3).

This fire of the Spirit is possible, it is necessary, it is right! All we can aim for the experience of Francis, because he "just" a child of God Almighty and not an angelic came from the sky. Intimacy with God is therefore the source and the motor of all life and the spiritual Love is time spent with the medicine that heals and soothes our pain, our disease and our disbelief. The more we are with God we receive more love, more Gurd SuoVolto the closest thing to it, plus listen to your voice to speak for him ...

Come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden light. "(Mt 11:28-30 )


Thursday, June 26, 2008

Broken Capillaies On Chest


securing a housekeeper said, "This man was with him, but Peter denied it, saying:" Woman, do not I know him. "Shortly after another saw him and said:" You are one of them. "But Peter said," No, I'm not. ", spent about an hour still another insisted." In this man also was with him, he is a Galilean. "But Peter said," Man, I do not know what you say. "And immediately, while he was still speaking, a rooster crowed. Then the Lord turned, looked at Peter, and Peter remembered the word of the Lord had told him: "Before the cock crows you will deny me three times today." And he went out and wept bitterly. (Luke 22:54-62)

"I had a great relationship with the Lord. The wonder of things, conversing with him, praised, thanked him
... But I always had the uneasy feeling that he would look into it eyes ... And I did not do it. I talked to him, but looked away when I felt that I was watching.
Diverting always look. And I knew why. I was afraid. I thought I'd find it in her eyes the prosecution of some sin of which I did not regretted it. I thought I found a request in his eyes there was something he wanted from me, and I did not want him.
One day I finally plucked up my courage and looked. There was no indictment. There was no request. The eyes said only: "I love you." I looked long at those eyes. Li scanned. But the only message was: "I love you."
And I went out and, like Peter, I cried. "

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

President Lincoln Testy


returned from the region of Tyre, and went through Sidon to the Sea of \u200b\u200bGalilee in the very territory of the Decapolis. It brought to him a deaf-mute asking him to impose his hand. And taking him aside from the crowd, put his fingers in his ears and he spat and touched his tongue and looking up to heaven, he a sigh and said, "Ephphatha" that is "Open." And his ears were opened, you split his tongue and he spoke clearly. 36E commanded them not to tell anyone. But the more he charged them, the more they talked about it and amazed, saying, "He did everything well, makes the deaf hear and the mute speak."
Mk 7,31-37
Don Michele Cutta
Once again, the Gospel presents Jesus who stoops to suffering humanity, does not remain indifferent before the infirmities of the afflicted. Christ is presented to a deaf-mute. In ancient times, this kind of Sick man a total exclusion. Being deaf in those days meant not being able to relate with the world in any way. "And taking him aside from the crowd, put his fingers in his ears and he spat and touched his tongue and looking up to heaven, he sighed and said Ephphatha, ie opened! And his ears were opened, you split his tongue and he spoke clearly. "Every time that humanity has an appointment with the Creator is healed. Like Jesus in meeting the man who always puts it back on track, not only physically but also on a human level. This first issue has to give us pause:
If God does not love the marginalization, if not all the time I see the fights, we as Christians can not accept it. There are several types of exclusion, there are not only those related to the disease. I can not think of many human beings "marginalized" I meet walking around the city: the poor, immigrants, the mentally ill, drug addicts. Well, you get who I mean. I know we are trying to shake off any liability (also do not think is a nuisance to remove any head). But before God is not so, the Christian is not an inert spectator of a "tragic film" which is filmed on the streets (or campaigns) of our cities. Then I will not even be imagined as well as spectators if we become careless jailers of our weaker brothers ... I'm not a fool nor a journalist who needs to make the scoop or the like to sell the newspaper. I know very well the difficulties that come together to move forward, to arrive "later this month" especially in some areas, like agriculture, I know that in the economic trigger mechanisms perverse honest people who put their backs to the wall; I am a parent myself and I know, for example, how difficult it is these days starting with the schools to manage the family ... Oh, how tragic if a family comes the classic "head Abbasciano" linked to a serious disease that leads you to do journeys of hope, I remember there was a song that said Lucio Battisti that "at 21 months of our money had already finished ..." Maybe, I say, to 21 this month! Yet human beings are always human beings, no matter the color, faith, nationality or other differences. The Christian, I say this without any moral but it is Jesus who cries, not making the next, does not take away the dignity of a brother. Before God, the employer retains a sin even if in self-pay the worker one more night ... also a sin before God who pushes a human being to be "exploitative" of another umano.L 'Humanity is always involved when there is an injustice, we are always involved. Too easy to say that the "rules economy ", which is the" globalization of markets, the euro has brought to its knees, that there is a recession ... All the reasons or the laws of this world does not absolve us from behaviors that lead to abbruttire and enslave a man. Man is in God's image offends a man who offends God, dearest brethren, as Christians, we all do, I tell everyone, an examination of conscience. The Gospel tells us of deafness. It can also happen us to be deaf, perhaps to be deaf to the soul. The worst deafness for the Christian is not to feel in his own life the voice of God If you notice, Jesus, heal the deaf-mute, before she takes it apart. The first voice that the deaf-mute hear is that of Jesus! The first item that we exclude in our daily life unfortunately is that God's' true, with the baptism we too had our Ephphatha by Christ. But if our heart does not want to listen, if our heart is closed in selfishness, God leaves us free. Christ does not violate anyone, do not break 'em head to convert the infidels. God is love, love is giving, that is to get out the bread from his mouth for prossimo.La Church has always borne witness to this love, the Church still has this love for others far and near to the next. I think of the many orders (bishops, priests and deacons) and to the many Christians who are uncomfortable, who lose their own pockets, and organize themselves for the camps, or those who go on "roads" in search of humanity lost that sells the body, or those who are close to those who are suffering in prison because, sick, desperate. And I can not think of all those "so-called Christians" who buy sex from 5 minutes to a human being ..., And I can not think of all those "so-called Christians" who have "slaves" to their addictions ... And I can not not to think about all those "so-called Christians" turning their heads away to see no evil. What a tragedy for us if we were to be part of this select group of "so-called Christians." What can I say, maybe we all come together at Sunday Mass. to beat our breasts. What is clear, beat his chest is useless if he does not leave the road of sin, the way of injustice. No, there are two ways of being Christian. The Way is only one: The way is Christ. It 's a way of life that surely leads to the passage of the Cross. Why just lose health, because the good is not always reciprocated with good, because some desperate that life puts before you are able to "snatch" all, forgive us all, but you gain that you will not be removed: Life eternal. Believe me, already on this earth you can taste it. Even in a simple and commonplace face, the face of Christ in your neighbor.

Vidoes De Pillados Gratis


"... my hands trained for war and my arms to pull the bow of bronze."

Psalm 18:35 "

In reality, although we live in the flesh, we do not fight according to the flesh, the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but by God the power to destroy the forts, as demolish arguments and all that stands proudly against the knowledge of God, taking captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ ... "II Corinthians 10:3-5

In the battle against darkness, as in every other battle, There are no weapons to use. Certainly not enough to get to know the mere existence of these weapons. Even in a battle in the natural world, not enough to know that there are bombs, not even enough to keep them in hand, we must know how to use to destroy the strongholds of the enemy. In this study, you will know what these weapons and you will be taught how to use them, but then you will be you to use them!

WIRE and unbound

Matthew 16:19 says, "I'll give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in Heaven. " and Matthew 18:18 says, "I tell you the truth that all things you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and all the things you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven. "bind and loose mean respectively prohibit and allow. We are representatives, ambassadors of the Kingdom of God in Christ Jesus, and have the authority to ban the works the devil on earth to decree what is allowed and what is forbidden by the Word of God "wire" in the name of Jesus means to prohibit, outlaw. "Untie or leave" in the name of Jesus means to permit state law, released. When Jesus made this statement he knew he could be understood by all those who listened, because the priests, when they were questioned about what you could do or not accordance with the Law, used the terms "bound" or "loose" to prohibit or to allow certain actions. It is imperative that before saying "bound or forbidden" in the name of Jesus Christ we must be sure that their statements are in agreement with the Word of God We have authority to order any situation contrary to the Word of God that is bound ( forbidden) in the name of Jesus We have also authority to proclaim that all that was revealed as God's will be released in the name of Jesus, but we can not tie what the Bible free and vice versa. With that authority we can bind the strong man, to keep it from acting against us: we can delegatoci stop through the power of Jesus Christ. We may also leave every promise and grace that the devil is holding in his hands tied.

THE NAME OF JESUS \u200b\u200b"... found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself, taking the form of a servant, becoming obedient unto death, even death on a cross. Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him and gave name which is above every name, so in the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. " Philippians 2:8-11

We have authority under the delegation and received, the bigger the name of who's behind us, so great is the authority we have. The Bible says that after the death of Jesus God has made him sit at his right hand and gave him a name above every name. The name of Jesus is therefore the greatest authority for this universe before him every knee will bend. "This powerful effect of his strength he has shown in Christ when he raised him from the dead and made him sit at his right hand in the sky, above all rule, authority, power, and dominion, and every name that is named not only in this world, but also in the future. " Ephesians 1:20-21

This weapon is powerful: we use this name when you bend every power of evil! E 'using the name of Jesus, as He has commanded us to do and delegate, which expelled the demons, take up serpents, scorpions, and trample all the power of the enemy, speak new languages, placing his hands on the sick and those heal. "'These are the signs shall follow them that believe: in my name they will cast out demons, speak in new tongues, take up serpents, and even if they drink any deadly thing, it does not have any evil lay hands on the sick and they heal '. " Mark 16:17-18

is in the name of Jesus that we will answer to our needs and Win on the enemy. "... And whatever you ask in my name, I'll do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If you ask anything in my name, I will do it." John 14:13-14 "

... so that whatever you ask the Father in my name, he will pass." John 15:16 b

is for the name and the name of Jesus that our joy is complete because our prayers are answered. "On that day I ask you some questions. Verily, verily, I say that whatever you ask the Father in my name, he will give. Until now you have asked nothing in my name: ask and ye shall receive, that your joy may be full. "

John 16:23-24 "In that day

ask in my name, and do not tell you that I will pray the Father for you: for the Father himself loves you because you loved me and have believed that they are carried from God. " John 16:26-27

The more you use this weapon and the more knowledge you have of your authority, the more wins you have. Hell trembles at the very pronounce the name of Jesus

THE BLOOD OF JESUS \u200b\u200b

blood ensures our coverage and states that Satan has nothing to claim on our lives because we belong to Jesus and we victory ("But And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony, and they loved not their lives, indeed the people exposed to death. "Revelation 12:11). The blood speaks of the new covenant which breaks the yoke of sin. "But Christ came, the high priest of good things to come, he, through a greater and more perfect tabernacle, not made with hands, that is, not of this building, entered once for all the most holy place, not the blood of goats and calves but his own blood. So we have obtained eternal redemption. "Hebrews 9:11-12" For Christ

has not entered into a holy place made with hands, shape the truth; but into heaven itself, now to appear in the presence of God for us not to offer himself repeatedly, as the high priest enters the Most Holy Place every year with blood not his own. "

Hebrews 9:24-25 "

... but now, once at the end of time, he appeared to put away sin by his sacrifice. It is appointed for men to die once, but after this the proceedings, so Christ, having been offered once to bear the sins of many, will appear a second time without sin, to those who wait for their salvation. "

Hebrews 9:26 b-28

Through this covenant God has united us to Him the blood of Jesus has cleansed us from all sin and gave us victory over the enemy and every time I remember the power that the devil is in the blood he will flee from us.


"But now in Christ Jesus, then you who were far off are made nigh by the blood of Christ." Ephesians 2:13 gives us the

RESURRECTION "... and raised us up with him and he made us sit together in heaven in Christ Jesus ..." Ephesians 2:6

feeds us "So Jesus said to them: 'In Truly, truly, I tell you that if you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in you. Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise him on the last day. For my flesh is real food and my blood is true drink. Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood abides in me, and I in him. As the living Father sent me, and I live because of the Father, so whoever eats me will live because of me too. "John 6:53-57

justifies us" Much more then, being now justified by His blood, we shall be saved from wrath through him. "Romans 5:9

CI redemption and forgiveness of sins" In him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins according to the riches of his grace ... "Ephesians 1:7" In him we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins. "Colossians 1:14

is an instrument of sanctification" In fact, bodies of animals, whose blood is brought for atonement in the sanctuary by the high priest, are burned outside the camp. Wherefore Jesus also, to sanctify the people with his own blood, suffered outside the gate. "Hebrews 13:11-12

frees us from sin" To Him who loves us and has freed us from our sins by His blood ... "Revelation 1:5 b

WARRANT IN THE POSSESSION OF PROMISES THIS TIME "For this reason he is mediator of a new pact. His death occurred to redeem the transgressions committed under the first covenant, that those who are called may receive the promised eternal inheritance." Hebrews 9:15

MAKES IT AVAILABLE WILL THE "A will, in fact, is valid when the death occurred, since it has no effect until the testator lives." Hebrews 9:17

purify our conscience from dead works "... how much more shall the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered himself without blemish to God, cleanse your conscience from dead works to serve the living God ! Hebrews 9:14

WARRANT PROMISES IN THE POSSESSION OF THIS TIME "For this reason he is mediator of a new pact. His death occurred to redeem the transgressions committed under the first covenant, that those who are called may receive the promised eternal inheritance." Hebrews 9:


"Take heed to yourselves and to all the flock, among whom the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to shepherd the church of God, which he hath purchased with his own blood. " Acts 20:28 "

... knowing that not with corruptible things, silver or gold, you have been redeemed from the vain manner of living tramandatovi from your fathers, but with the precious blood of Christ, like that of a lamb without blemish and without spot. "I Peter 1:18-19

The blood of Jesus not only cleanses us from all sin (" But if we walk in the light, com ' he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus his Son cleanses us from all sin. "I John 1:7), but is the foundation of our victory will be a source of daily our song of victory in heaven.

"After this I looked and beheld a great multitude which no one could count, from every nation, tribe, peoples and tongues, stood before the throne and before the Lamb, clothed with white robes, with palms in their hands. And cried with a loud voice, saying: 'Salvation belongs to our God who sits on the throne and the Lamb'. And all the angels were standing around the throne, the elders and the four living creatures, and they fell upon their faces before the throne and worshiped God, saying, 'Amen! Praise to our God, glory, wisdom, thanksgiving, honor, power and strength, for ever and ever! Amen '. Then one of the elders spoke to me, saying, 'Who are these people dressed in white and where did they come?' I replied: 'My Lord, you know'. And he told me: 'They are the ones that come from the great tribulation. They have washed their robes and made them white in Blood of the Lamb '. "Revelation 7:9-14

How we use this weapon? We must confess with our mouth all the power of Jesus' sacrifice through his blood, and proclaim all that he has purchased with the his death. By doing so Satan knows that we have consciousness of who we are and what we have in Jesus Christ The devil knows well that we are certain that the blood of the Lord we have achieved victory over sin and over him.

" with flattery he will corrupt those who betray the pact, but the people who know their God will firmly and act. "Daniel 11:32

This will make him run away from us. The devil is horrified by the blood of Jesus, because this blood shed on the cross is what gives us the victory but it is what defeated him forever. The blood of Jesus is therefore the basis of our authority.

Examples: "Lord cable cover with your blood." In theory we are saying, Lord Jesus, your death is my shield and protection from every work of the devil. "The blood of Jesus has power." The death of Jesus and His blood shed on the cross gave me power. Now I can act without fear. "I cover my family with the blood of Jesus" The blood of Jesus paid for our sins, God will protect my family. Protect me against the works maligno.In the reality we're just stating how much power there was and still in his blood shed for our sins. The devil knows this feeling that we are the people spoken of in Daniel, a people who knows his God and resist the works of evil.


"... that He might give you, according to the riches of His glory, to be powerfully strengthened by His Spirit, in the inner man ..." Ephesians 3:16

Alelluia! The Spirit of God strengthens us, gives us power. "'But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth '. "Acts 1:8

The scriptures declare that if we join the Lord are one spirit with him, thus becoming a sanctuary and therefore the Holy Spirit resides in our hearts (I Corinthians 6:17, II Corinthians 3:16).

This is one of the truths that we must always take into account. Any kind of face we will never fight alone, because Jesus has sent us help the Comforter (John 16:7).

He is always with us to strengthen us, to give us power and strategies for each type of combat. He will teach you all things and will remind us all that there is already been taught by Jesus on the battlefield. "... But the Comforter, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you everything and remind you all that I said." John 14:26

We have a very powerful weapon in our hands, because we have a friend who fought with us!

the armor of God

"Therefore take the whole armor of God so that you can withstand in the evil day, and remain standing after having done all your homework. Stand therefore: take the truth waistband of your hips, put on the breastplate of righteousness, as you put the shoes your feet zeal as the gospel of peace to take over all the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the fiery darts of the wicked. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God ... "Ephesians 6:13-17

The Apostle Paul by the Holy Spirit in Ephesians 6:14 advises us what to do in order to resist days of fighting. He says we have to wear the armor of God so as to cope with the evil days. The text lists the various parts making up this armor. Each piece designate forms of attack of the enemy against us and providence of God towards every type of attack.


  1. The armor is of God, then it is he who provides us with every piece.

  2. We do not know when you get the evil day, so we must always wear the armor of God

  3. All pieces of armor are defensive weapons except the sword of the Spirit that is a weapon of attack.

CINTI your loins with truth (v. 14)

The first attack is against the truth of God, against what God proclaims. Since the times of Eden that Satan tries to win the man with lies, deceit and half-truths. "You are sons of the devil, who is your father, and want to do the desires of your father. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks of what is his because he is a liar and the father of lies. "John 8:44

What does it mean to have encircled the sides of the truth? In biblical times the tunic was a garment used by both men and women, the only difference was that the men used a tunic to the ankles and usually a single color, embroidered at the edges and the neck: "When the men had to work or run lifted the bottom of the robe and put it in the belt buy more freedom of movement. He said "gird up your loins," and this term became a metaphor for being ready. For example, Peter recommends having a clear idea of \u200b\u200bcalling on Christians to "gird your sides" of the mind (I Peter 1:13, the Latin text). Women, too, raised the hem of the robe when they had to carry objects from place to place (uses and customs of Bible times, page 14 - Ralph Gower, Elle Di Ci) also confirm the Scriptures: "Eat in this way: with your loins girded, with your shoes on his feet and with your staff in your hand and eat it in haste: it is the Passover of the Lord. " Exodus 12:11 Then you have to gird your loins with truth and be ready to proclaim the truth of God, Jesus says: "Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth." John 17:17 Then cingiamoci with the truth through study, meditation, confession and obedience to the Word of God

the breastplate of righteousness (v. 14) The attack in this area will be manifested in the form of indictment , pride and conviction, will try to soothe our feelings. Satan will try to accuse us to ourselves and to acknowledge God and humanity, throwing on us feelings of guilt for the sins already confessed and forgiven already. The Word of God in Romans 8:1 declares, "There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus ... "He will also seek to invest with spiritual pride, with" personal goodness "in order to lead us to sin against God, against the brothers, the Church, our authorities, etc.. Generally, when we accept these things We got the evil day. We must therefore be kept from the justice of God, believing that all we have is the result of His goodness, not allowing the devil accuses us or condemn us, because we have been justified by every foul and crime. "... that is the righteousness of God through faith in Jesus Christ for all who believe - in fact there is no difference ..." Romans 3:22 "them, resulting in a change the truth of God into a lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen. Therefore God gave them over to shameful lusts their women exchanged the natural use into that which is against nature ... "Romans 1:25-26

FOOTWEAR FOR FEET (zeal to propagate the Gospel of Peace) (v. 15) Here the attack is in the form of persecution and disheartened to suffocate us and take away from the territory of God, leading to liability, drops in compromise, and everything else, just to bring us to a position of comfort. The compromise with the sin or merely tactics liabilities are widely used by the enemy. Many believers in the churches are passive and accept everything that happens to them without protest and fight for what they have. One of the first fruits that occur in our Christian life when we come to Jesus, is the zeal for the propagation of the Gospel. In fact, we want our family, friends, colleagues and all the world as we know the benefits of salvation and the immense joy that this brings, but subtly Satan rises to defame someone, to give us the "crazy", or even to discourage, ambiguous to put people in our path, even offering us excellent job opportunities or any other attraction just to distract us and take away our zeal. Unfortunately, this form of attack is not only manifested in the lives of newcomers, but continuously in the life of each credente.Il prophet Ezekiel refers to the easy life of idleness and the sins of Sodom ("Behold, this was the iniquity of Sodom, your sister, she and her daughters lived in pride, in an abundance of Bread, indolence and idleness, but did not support the hand dell'afflitto and the poor. "Ezekiel 16:49). Certainly this is not the will of God for us, so we protect ourselves by keeping our hearts filled with zeal for the propagation of the Gospel, not accepting anything less in our lives as a burning heart for God and the salvation of souls. Everything we take away from this type of attack. Recall that the zeal shoes cover your feet and this means that we can not without zeal run well. If the devil can rubarcelo'll be stopped.

the shield of faith (V.16) The Bible says "without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that rewards those who earnestly seek him." Hebrews 11:6 "... because in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith, as it is written: 'The just shall live by faith'." Romans 1:17 "For whatsoever is born of God overcomes the world, and this is the victory that has overcome the world, even our faith." I John 5:4. It is clear that Satan will try to undermine our faith in order not to be more acceptable to God and can no longer fulfill his will to live by faith and overcome the world. The malicious attack in this case will be through the disbelief, doubt and fear. The shield is the most important defensive weapon if used well it can protect the whole body. This attack on our faith is accomplished in several ways: with disbelief, doubt and fear. The Bible says that faith is the substance (Hebrews 1:1), so we remain firm on this conviction acquired through the Word of God to withstand malicious attacks ("Resist him steadfast in the faith, knowing the same sufferings that afflict your brother around the world. "I Peter 5:9).

the helmet of salvation (v.17) The helmet salvation speaks of an attack in mind. The mind is the seat of the soul reside where our emotions, desires, will, etc.. and it is in our mind that Satan will try to sneak with his thoughts for us to think so carnal, making us wish for the world of the senses rather than the world of Spirit. To defend against these attacks we must continually remind us that salvation is total and that includes also the soul. Our mind is renewed constantly and when we accept Jesus as the destiny of our soul's salvation, then we must not allow any kind of thought that is not in agreement with the Word of God to occupy our minds. In so doing we will be safe from malicious intent. "Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever things are of good report, those in which some virtue and some praise, are the subject of your thoughts. " Philippians 4:8

THE SWORD OF THE SPIRIT, THE WORD OF GOD (v.17) The sword is clearly an offensive weapon and is the only weapon of attack this into the frame of the believer. Since then we have to attack, we leave any doubt on the Word of God The devil will always try to steal the Word of God from our hearts, so that does not produce fruit (Matthew 13:19), or try to blind our minds so not to make us recognize the truth (II Corinthians 4:4). Not only that, but intrufolerà among the saints "... doctrines of devils ..." (I Timothy 4:1), with claims on our lives, about who we are in Jesus, his brothers, and so on. How will? Sowing doubts in the mind, confusion and misunderstandings that we should immediately compare with the Word of God to reject them. Whenever we are attacked we must ask ourselves if what we receive in our minds comes from the devil or the persons who are around us and if both agree or disagree with the Word of God is also important not to forget that the devil uses people who There are around to hurt us, especially those closest to us or that have a greater influence affective on us, as long as they allow themselves to be manipulated. "... We wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly realms." Ephesians 6:12

SOME FEATURES OF ARMS COMBAT ARMS SPIRITUAL "... the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but by God the power to destroy the forts, as demolish arguments and all that stands proudly against the knowledge of God .. " II Corinthians 10:4-5aSono weapons given by God

WEAPONS OF LIGHT "The night is advanced, the day is at hand so we cast off the works of darkness and put on the armor of light. "Romans 13:12 If a person starts to do spiritual battle and lies in sin it will hurt.

WEAPONS OF JUSTICE ... with the weapons of righteousness on the right and left ... "II Corinthians 6:7 blett: weapons of right offensive (sword), and left defensive (shield). The justice of God is our weapon defense and attack.

Ear Problems More Condition_symptoms


Pd Raniero Cantalamessa
in The Word and Life, New Town 1990, pp. 273-274

The "already" that celebrates the Eucharist is the fullness of grace and joy of the messianic, it reminds us that the Bridegroom is already with us (cf. Mk 2.19 ).(...) Yet it is not a closed and final banquet, there is something "unfinished" it emerges that all the time. It was at that party as mentioned in the Gospel, which expects that, at any moment, the king comes to see the guests (Matt. 22:11). It is a banquet - like the night of the Exodus - is eaten standing up, with the belt at the waist, like those who are waiting to leave for the promised land. Every time you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the Lord's death until he comes (1 Cor 11:26). (...) In instituting the Eucharist, Jesus, so to speak, made an appointment to the Church for another banquet that was to take place in the Kingdom of God (cf. Mt 26.29). The Book of Revelation speaks of this very new and eternal banquet, to which the Lamb hours waiting for the bride: Write: Blessed are those invited to the wedding feast of the Lamb! (Rev 9.9). Therefore, after the consecration, we say: "Christ has died, Christ is risen, Christ will come again." It is not enough, of course, that we proclaim our faith in the return of Lord in words only, during Mass, even in this, the Eucharist must "invade" the life. It's our whole life to proclaiming that we are waiting for the Lord to come, and proclaim it to the way in which we toil and rejoice in the things of this world, keeping alive the hope and ardent faith in the things above, where Christ there expected. Not only we, in fact, expect the Lord, the Lord expects us!

Arthritis Treatment More Condition_symptoms

Prayer is the light of the soul

of John Chrysostom, Homily 6 (the prayer)

The supreme good is prayer, the intimate friendship with God: it is communion with God, and makes us one with him. How the body's eyes are illuminated by light, so that the soul is all aimed towards God is hit and penetrated by his ineffable light. Prayer is not an external state, but comes from the heart, is not limited to certain hours or days, but takes place continuously during the day and night. Not enough to readily manage the thought of God only in times for prayer, but even when engaged in other occupations, such as the assistance to the poor or other duties and actions which adversely help people, you need to get into the desire and the memory of God, because these occupations, made tasty with salt about love of God, for the Lord to become a very pleasant food.
Prayer is the light of the soul, the true knowledge of God, the mediator between God and men ... With prayer, the soul rises to heaven and joins the Lord with an ineffable embrace: as a child called her mother crying, she cries out to God, eager for food that comes from him. Expresses her intimate desires, and receives gifts infinitely superior to nature. The prayer with which we respectfully present to the Lord, the joy of the heart and peace for the soul ...
While the body remains on earth, prayer conducts the soul to the heavenly source and the water quenches thirst with that which will become a source in her gushing up to eternal life (cf. Jn 4:14). It gives us the true security of eternal life and in faith that makes us better understand the gift of God .. When I say prayers, do not think that it is words. It is God's desire, ineffable love that is not from men, but is operated by the grace of God `s Apostle says: We do not know how to pray as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with unspeakable groanings (Romans 8.26 ).
This prayer when the Lord gives to someone, is a treasure that nobody can take away, is a heavenly food that satisfies the soul. `He who has the taste, is possessed by a desire of God's eternal, like a violent fire that ignites the heart. Let it be done unto you in its fullness, and, Decorate your home with sweetness and humility, enlighten them with the light of justice, rivestila of good works as a shiny surface. Instead of the mosaic, put your faith and greatness of soul. To make the building, ask again the prayer at the top. So the house to prepare for the Lord will be complete: it can therefore accept as a splendid palace, and had the glory to his grace, in the temple of your soul.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Safenet Ultrapro Dongle


March 29, 1992 by David Wilkerson

"But when you pray, go into your room and shut the door, pray to thy Father which is in secret: and thy Father which seeth in secret will reward you "(Matthew 6:6).

When Jesus speaks of entering a secret closet to search for the Father, refers to something much bigger than a room in a literal sense.
The Old Testament says that God separated His people into two categories: those who seek and those who seek Him! "(Ezra 8:22).
Even today, God has two types of children: those who regularly seek him in their secret closet of prayer and those who do not.
When God was angry with Israel for its idolatry, Moses planted outside his tent of the field. The Bible says that later, "anyone seeking the Lord, he went to the tent of meeting, which was outside the camp" (Exodus 33:7).
In the middle of the spread of idolatry in Israel, there were still children of God who devoted time and energy to seek the Lord with all their heart! This residue saint emerged from the millions of idolaters who crowded the people of Israel. They knew they were having to go outside the camp or they too would fall into apostasy that meandered among the people.
Centuries later, the subjects of the king Asa, and they realized that God had blessed them and prospered and had none guaranteed peace with all their enemies, "because we have sought the LORD our God; us, we have tried, and he has given us peace along our border. So they began to build, and prosper "(2 Chronicles 16:6).
At some point in the reign of Asa, an army of one million Ethiopians moved against Israel:" Then Asa called upon his God, and said: "Thou art the Lord our God, the man does not win against you." And the LORD smote the Ethiopians before Asa and the Ethiopians fled were shot to pieces before the LORD "(2 Chronicles 14:10-13).
When Asa was attacked, he fell on his face and turned to God in prayer, and God answered with the victory! Shortly after that triumph, however, the prophet Azariah joined Asa and said: "The Lord is with you when you are with him, if ye seek him, he will be found of you: but if ye forsake him, He will forsake you "(2 Chronicles 15:2).
In other words," if you stop to look for communion God, if you stop and longed to invoke His name in everything you do, He will forsake you. "
Azaria knew that because of the wide releases catered by God, the king would have been tempted to become proud and do rely on the meat. In fact, every time that the Israelites sought God after that, he blessed them, saying in his distress he (meaning the people of Israel) was converted to the Lord God of Israel, has searched, and he has found of him. "
know where the Israelites were the power and victory from having sought God with all your heart!
" They agreed in a covenant to seek the LORD God of their fathers, with all their hearts and with all their soul because they had sworn with all my heart, had sought the Lord with great passion and he was found of them. And the Lord gave them peace along the borders "(2 Chronicles 15:12,15).
savored the rest when Israel sought God in prayer! This does not mean that they had problems, but because he fell on his face, and cried out to God, turning to Him in total dependence, he rescued them and always gave their order and strength.
of King Uzziah is written, "until he sought the LORD, God made him prosper His fame reached distant lands, for he was marvelously rescue, until he became powerful" (2 Chronicles 26:5,15). Since Uzziah sought the Lord God made him strong and keep order in his kingdom.
But, in its prosperity, the king stopped seeking God's pride and his heart crept s'insuperbì. Uzziah was entrusted to the arms of the flesh and became a leper made a shameful end!
Jeremiah prophesied that all the pastors who refuse to seek God in prayer will be much the same way "because the pastors have been stupid and have not sought the LORD: therefore have no prospered and all their flocks shall be scattered "(Jeremiah 10:21).
seek God
In truth, the scene described by Jeremiah is an accurate picture of what is seen today in the Church of Jesus Christ. Many pastors are now lazy and careless. They see their calling as a job, as a check! They rely on the arms of his flesh, address books and commentaries to prepare their sermons instead of trying to know the heart of God through prayer. They have lost all power to feed the flock and keep it in order and therefore the sheep are scattered!
unit that once maintained the strong Church is falling apart. Christians are hungry for the gospel and run from one place another just to find some crumbs that satisfies the desire of their hearts.
Jeremiah, in his day, said: "My curtains are broken, all my rope broke" (Jeremiah 10:20 a). the rope was referring to the binding power of God that kept the unity of the people, had been destroyed.
"My children have gone away from me and no more" (Jeremiah 10:20 b).
The flock was gone, lost!
"There is no one to put forth my tent, which will raise My towels" (Jeremiah 10:20 c) There was such impurities
among priests that none of them dared to approach the sacred things of God No priest was worthy to touch the sacred cloth!
Maybe you have the type of pastor described by Jeremiah. Probably it was still early, dedicated to prayer and God blessed him and made him prosper. There was unity in the church, because prayer creates unity. Now everything is in ruins. God had to turn elsewhere His face, because he had to say to all the pastors and Christians lazy: "I DO NOT LOOK FOR MORE '."
The Lord makes a clear distinction between this type of believers and those who seek Him in prayer.
wish to address myself now to those who seek God
Have A Secret Closet!
Do you have a room to pray?
I am not referring to a special room, which would in any case to case, but rather the habit of secluded You do it with God?
Having a "secret closet" means simple apartment with God anywhere, at any time, devoting a period of time chosen for quality, the desire of the Lord, seeking God, the invocation of His name.
"prayer closet" means "used to pray."
Observe the daily practice of apartments with God? This is why when it comes to prayer closet: PRACTICE.
impose means to go before God, to respond when the Spirit is calling you. It means having a heart that says: "I must be alone with God I speak with my father today."
Sometimes my secret closet is the car, when I'm alone, often is my studio at home, but is also a country road in Pennsylvania, where sometimes I retire to be with the Lord.
You can walk the streets of New York. A few weeks ago, was a Florida beach on which I walked for hours, set apart with God
The type of prayer that I speak, has to do with intimacy with God, being alone with him!
Jesus warned against hypocrisy in prayer. Makes a dramatic distinction between those who seek God in the secret closet and pray for those who considered holy by others!
Hypocrites are actors, people who pretend to be holy to receive the praise of others. Jesus said that there are many of these actors in His church, "when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on street corners to be seen by men. I tell you the truth that this is the prize that they have "(Matthew 6:5).
Our flesh loves applause and congratulations, but God can not use our flesh, our sinful nature, because our flesh can not be remodeled or sanctified. When we are born again, God removes our flesh and makes us new creatures in His Spirit. Our flesh must be rejected and put to death!
However, we can see the flesh at work in us when we do something for God but we can not understand why others do not appreciate it. Our flesh wants us to sing our praises!
"They", ie the hypocrites, "they love to pray" (Matthew 6:5), or at least that's what they want you to believe. They pray in church, attending prayer meetings, but not in the habit of praying! It is not secluded from the Father alone to pray.
I remember having heard of the reputation of a man of prayer, a shepherd, and I said, "pray eight hours a day." I thought, "Wow! Maybe preacher! I want to meet him."
I met him and I did not notice anything special in him, then I realized: if he had spent eight hours a day in prayer, the rest would be realized simply by changes in his character. But there were no changes in this man! Those of the others knew her long vigils, just because he had reported. He had sung his praises!
Have Power!
Beloved, God does not hear even one of the words of the prayers of the hypocrites, because those prayers were never meant for him, and Jesus says that will have no reward from the Father (Matthew 6:5 c)!
However, this message does not intend to speak only hypocrites, but also of good Christians, honest and faithful. I was really shocked to see that very few Christians practice the wonderful daily communion with the Lord. The vast majority only in church and pray at meals and more, says maybe a few quick words before going to bed. They have the habit of praying, that do not have it until they are hit by a crisis then, yes, they are quick to bow his head!
I can not help but feel grow into a holy indignation when someone tells me: "Brother David, you have to pray because it's your job. Is your vocation as a preacher who needs it. But I'm not in the ministry. I this vocation. "
No! The habit of moving closer to God every day is necessary for all of us! The reason why so many Christians lack the power in your life, you do not have a prayer life. They pray maybe once a week, or when they feel like it. Dear
, prayer random, intermittent, has absolutely no power.
"your Father sees in secret" (Matthew 6:6).
God sees in secret deep in our hearts!
see how much time devoted to things I thought necessary, friends, television (in front of which wasted hours and hours) and see that go to him for a belated reflection, or just conviction of sin or a feeling of self-condemnation .
The secret closet is any place where a child of God shuts out the world and close in alone with God to seek Him and to pray!
Jesus clearly stated: "when you pray, enter into thy closet and shut the door, pray to Your Father "(Matthew 6:6). In other words, when you go into your room, do not start to pray before you close the door!
This means that you should not talk to your Father with a cluttered mind. Close out all the thoughts that make you away from Him Be awake, focused not waste words, do not think of anything else. You can let your mind wander when you talk with friends or when you are at work or at school, but when you go to the presence of the King, Bible says, "sees in secret"!
Many people pray for long hours and yet they are without power in their daily walk. They wonder why the answers do not come because they are not victorious. it is because they pray with the door room air. Leave open the door to distractions and God does not answer prayers apathetic and lacking in sincerity!
You go into your secret closet for hours without ever making weighted prayers, did not hit the target ear of God, because you do not know what you want or what you need?
Do not be deceived: it takes a concentrated effort to pray!
When you go into your secret closet, close the door and unplug the phone.
Every child of God who has his heart in search of the Father, will face what I call the "satanic interruptions." The devil will come to interrupt you to direct your mind to anything other than the your heavenly Father.
Dear friends, this discipline is absolutely imperative.
If we encounter God and be heard by Him, then we must find where he is: in the secret!
"And thy Father which seeth in secret will reward you" (Matthew 6:6).
God called you to present confidently before the throne of grace that is behind closed doors.
the throne room of God is not like the seat of the court in Manhattan. I went to court that once, and I wondered how he did the judge to focus his mind on the case. Court reporters came and went, the lawyers were talking here and there: sometimes seemed a madhouse. From time and then the court must proceed with force his gavel and shouted: "Silence."
the presence of God, however, there is such a disaster. There are endless queues of people waiting to appear, nor are there souls that distract going away here and there. When you enter the throne room of God and shut the door behind you, just you and the Father. You are alone in His presence. His only interest is you.
I must ask, in the presence of your heavenly Father will never lead you dare not act like in front of your mayor or governor or president? Suppose you need to ask the president an hour of his time. Revenue in his office, you sit down, but your mind is elsewhere, perhaps concentrated on someone who plays tennis beyond the window. How do you think durereste in his presence?
When you go to look your Father in prayer, close the door so that nothing and no one can enter, no pride, no distractions! Literally close the door and close it spiritually, "taking every thought captive to make it obedient to Christ" (2 Corinthians 10:5).
quality time!
In the Old Testament people could not approach the altar with a lamb that was stained or blind or lame. They had to bring the Lord the best they had.
I ask you: what kind of time-course in your bedroom? It's your best time, when you are perfectly awake? Or go to the Lord rather tired and weary, and brought into his presence with heavy dark circles? If your mind begins to wander because you are tired, just admit it. Say, "Jesus, this evening I'm too tired to pray. I'll go to bed and when I wake up, I dedicate an hour better."
Go to Him in the morning to pray about many things, but your mind thinks that the car must be washed in a day? Dear
, mind and heart should be where are the lips! Isaiah spoke of the kind of "burnt offerings and sacrifices will be accepted on my altar, for my house shall be called a house of prayer" (Isaiah 56:7).
Those who offer sacrifices acceptable God says, are those "who are united to the Lord to serve him, to love the name of the LORD" (Isaiah 56:6).
Dear saints, this is the only acceptable sacrifice we can offer on the altar of God! It is not a sacrifice lame, lethargic, sleepy, a mandatory bid last minute. No. It flows from a heart that is consumed with love for Jesus, who cries all the time: "God, I come to you today to meet you. I want to be guided, corrected and instructed by you. I want to learn obedience, understanding your ways. You always want more. "
Referring to those who bring such sacrifices, God says in IASIA 56:7: "I will bring to my holy mountain and make them joyful in My house prayer. "
God will hear our prayers and lead us to a place of holiness, joy and power.
a place where we enter with our whole heart!
" Blessed are those who observe His teachings, who seek to all your heart "(Psalm 119:2).
Once purchased the habit of prayer closet, and you close out all distractions, God desires that seek him with all your heart," but from there you seek the LORD your God, and find him, if thou seek him with all your heart and with all thy soul "(Deuteronomy 4:29).
These were the words that Moses spoke to Israel at the point of death. He knew that people would faced great trials and tribulations, and they wanted the key to victory: "In your distress, when all these things are come upon thee, of late, return to the Lord, your God, and shalt be obedient unto his voice, because the Lord thy God is a merciful God and he will not abandon you and do not destroy thee, nor forget the covenant which he swore to your fathers "(Deuteronomy 4:30,31).
Moses warned: "Whatever you face, do not grumble, do not complain. Do not turn a man or flesh. Turn to the Lord and seek him in prayer! God promises that if thou seek him with all your heart, He will help you."
Being in the room means to appear before to God with one purpose: to pour out! Namely, that everything tends toward God in you, all your heart, your soul, your mind and your strength. Sometimes you can do so without a word. What matters to your Father in heaven is that you go to him with everything yourself!
Jesus promised a large reward: Order in your life!
Jesus said that when we go into our secret closet, shutting out all distractions and open ourselves totally to God, our Father will reward us.
"thy Father which seeth in secret will reward you" (Matthew 6:6).
There are many rewards that come from the secret closet, but there is one in particular that the Holy Spirit has revealed to me: I want you to know what it is.
The Bible says that Jehoshaphat sought the Lord with all his heart "(2 Chronicles 22:9). As they seek God, his kingdom enjoyed twenty-five years of order. He had power with God and power over all the enemies of Israel, even when he was attacked from all sides, God frustrated the plans of the enemies quickly because the people immediately began to seek the Lord. There was always order, chaos or confusion ever. Why? Why seek ye the Lord!
he got into power to the son of Jehoshaphat, Ahaziah, and he did not seek the Lord.
Ahaziah was killed by Jehu, and "the house of Ahaziah had no one who was not able to reign "(2 Chronicles 22:9). Ahaziah had no power that his father had to keep order, because he prayed.
Dear saint, your kingdom is your home, if you do not have a prayer closet, the daily habit of seeking God, then you lack the power to bring order to your home. The devil can bring chaos into your home, your job, your family, your relationships with others!
You see, the power of secret closet is the power on the confusion and disorder in your life, your family, your work, in your church!
a good word for everyone!
God promises that if you seek Him with all your continuation heart, you always have plenty of spiritual food, "Sharon will be a corral of sheep, the valley of Achor a resting place for herds, for my people that I have tried" (Isaiah 65:10).
But those who seek God will be empty, hungry, parched and wander in search of a shepherd, and thirsty, never satisfied.
The Bible says of them: "But you're hungry you thirst but you will be disappointed" (Isaiah 65:13).
Instead: "My servants will eat drink rejoice sing for the joy of their hearts" (IASIA 65:13,14). Those who
secluded with God, pouring out their souls on Him and seek Him for everything, will power, authority, spiritual power, food for the soul and the mind. They will be led by God in a place of spiritual rest and fullness!
Yes, there is spiritual power in seeking God, the power to understand everything that happens in your life.
"Those who seek the LORD understand all things" (Proverbs 28:5).
Keep on trying, praying, and God will give understanding of what you are facing!
"To you who seek God will revive your heart" (Psalm 69:32 - New International Version).
Psalm 91 is your favorite piece for many believers of the whole Bible. That there are great promises!
The whole Psalm is a revelation of the liberating power that comes from living and preserved in an attitude of The search for God
person living in this house of prayer has power over all the wiles of the enemy, all the fears on each wound and each disease will have the power to triumph and achieve the fulfillment of prayers!
But there is one condition for this, and we find it in the first verse of the Psalm: "He who dwells in the shelter of resting in the shade of the Almighty" (Psalm 91:1).
home is to live. Live in your prayer closet, in the shelter of? Is your home at any time of day?
You may ask "means that I must be close to God all the time?". In a sense, yes!
The apostle Paul exhorts us not to Pray without ceasing (1 Thessalonians 5:17). And David said: "Seek the LORD and His strength, Seek his face!" (1 Chronicles 16:11).
Dear saint, in your every waking hour, focus your mind on God
Be in communion with him DesiderateLo eagerly at any time. Throughout the day, in everything, call in your spirit. Then you will know your power and your order at every step!

Casque Granturismo Noir


A few weeks ago I posted the video you-tube by Paul Wilbur (Worship Leader Messianic Jews) to clarify and make known to those who did not have the gift of their friendship the movement that the Holy Spirit already a bit of time doing all'nterno more orthodox Judaism. Many Jews in fact are close to the Lord Jesus by the Jews and Christians to restore the good condition of the early church. Evangelizar the Gentiles have rightly re-appropriated with pride and dignity of the "birthright" living a "Christian" Messianic. Nothing is unchanged, ritual, music, traditions, clothing, everything the same except the worship of Jesus the Messiah, in short not expect more, but have welcomed the announcement of the resurrection of the one and only Messiah, Yeshua. Happy reading!

Messianic Judaism / יהודים משיחים is a Bible-based movement of Jewish people who believe in Yeshua (Jesus) as their Messiah. In this belief, have chosen to worship the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, according to the customs and traditions of the Jewish nation. For some, the concept of being jew and believe in Yeshua seems an oxymoron. They believe that Jews and Jesus are mutually exclusive.
However, when we consider a person who is Jewish according to Scripture, the concept of being Jewish and believing in Yeshua is neither an oxymoron nor mutual exclusivity. The name Jew comes from the fourth tribe of Israel, "Judas," which in Hebrew means "praising God". So first of all a Jew is one who worships God Most people mistakenly believe that being Jewish means being part of a religious institution or believe it is a birthright.
The Jews today are associated with the Jewish religion, just as the Catholics themselves with the Catholic religion. But this is not what God intended it to be a "Jew." Let me first of all start by explaining how it has developed the Jewish religion. It all started with Ezra. With his return to Jerusalem after the exile in Babylon, Ezra understood that Israel's problems were related to their disobedience to the Torah (the five books of Moses).
To ensure that a tragedy like this does not happen more, He established the concept of building stakes around the 613 original bylaws. A law-defense is built around a law to another law.
Take for example the law which states: Shemot / Exodus 23:19 "... Thou shalt not seethe a kid in its mother's milk." The defense around this law is that the Jews can not eat meat and drink milk at the same time. So, why a Jew violates one of the 613 biblical laws, should first break the law of defense.
Ezra believed that doing so would protect the Jewish nation from a future exile. Over the centuries, other laws were added to the defense, which evolved to the point where they are today, from the original 613 laws, there are 300000-500000 more about defense. With all these laws, it did not take long for people to fall into the trap of serving the law instead of God The original intent of God, that have a personal relationship with the people of his covenant, became a burden, or a religion-oriented the works. God took first by a man named Abraham, a worshiper of idols, the Chaldeans and made a covenant with him. It was an unconditional covenant Abraham had no obligation. God in His infinite wisdom, chose arbitrarily Abram, changed his name to Abraham and promised him a country, a nation, the blessings and that he would become a blessing. In the course of history and the circumstances behind the guidance and divine, God began to fulfill His promise.
The promise was that Abraham's descendants would become a great religion, but would be a great nation. Now, in order to separate this nation by the adoration of pagan idols of other nations, God gave to your country customs, laws and traditions particular, that he drew in the Torah. These customs, and traditions of the Mosaic laws were intended to distinguish the children of Israel from all other nations, as a nation and not as a religion.
You see, being a Jew is a nationality, and has never been, nor has it ever meant to be, an organized religion. The "Jews - Worshippers of God" should have had a relationship staff with their creator, who wished to live among them will. Religion is not from God, but the report! Considering the above, a Jew who believes in Yeshua as the Messiah, becomes a Christian? You convert? Well, we know that not being a Christian means to belong to a religion. The term Christian means "follower of the teachings of Christ." Christ means "Anointed One" or "Messiah." God in His infinite wisdom, knew from the beginning that Israel would go astray and it would eventually have developed a religion to replace departed in his presence, his "Shechinah". Yechezekiel / Ezekiel 11:22-23. "Then the cherubim their wings, and the wheels beside them, the glory of the God of Israel was over them above. The glory of the Lord he rose through the city and stood on the mountain located east of the city. "Ezekiel was describing the glory of the Lord leaving the temple, which left the presence of His apostate people. This is what is the righteousness. It means replacing the Shekinah glory of God with rules, regulations and laws made by man.
Yeshua came to clarify the relationship between man and God, to bring them to Himself so that God's Spirit could dwell, not them but in them. This is the new covenant spoken of in Jeremiah. Yermiyahu / Jeremiah 31:31-33. "Behold, the days come, saith the Lord, that I will a new covenant with the house of Israel and the house of Judah, not like the covenant I made with their fathers in the day that I took them by the hand to lead them out of Egypt: they violated a pact that, though I was their master, says the Lord, but this is the covenant I will make with the house of Israel after those days, saith the Lord: I will put my law in their own, write it on their heart, and I will be their God , and they shall be my people. "
Yeshua fulfilled this new deal offers, and to those of the Jewish nation and that the pagan nations, the opportunity to reconcile with their creator, through His atoning sacrifice. Seeing that a man can not serve the penalty of sin another man, Yeshua was God incarnate. God can satisfy your requirement for justice, that is death. What happens when a Jew accepts Yeshua as their Messiah, is entering into the fullness of his personal relationship with God, the original relationship that God intended for them, when he chose Abraham. And since Judaism is a nationality, a Jew can become a follower of the teachings of the Messiah, while remaining a Jew.