Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Casque Granturismo Noir


A few weeks ago I posted the video you-tube by Paul Wilbur (Worship Leader Messianic Jews) to clarify and make known to those who did not have the gift of their friendship the movement that the Holy Spirit already a bit of time doing all'nterno more orthodox Judaism. Many Jews in fact are close to the Lord Jesus by the Jews and Christians to restore the good condition of the early church. Evangelizar the Gentiles have rightly re-appropriated with pride and dignity of the "birthright" living a "Christian" Messianic. Nothing is unchanged, ritual, music, traditions, clothing, everything the same except the worship of Jesus the Messiah, in short not expect more, but have welcomed the announcement of the resurrection of the one and only Messiah, Yeshua. Happy reading!

Messianic Judaism / יהודים משיחים is a Bible-based movement of Jewish people who believe in Yeshua (Jesus) as their Messiah. In this belief, have chosen to worship the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, according to the customs and traditions of the Jewish nation. For some, the concept of being jew and believe in Yeshua seems an oxymoron. They believe that Jews and Jesus are mutually exclusive.
However, when we consider a person who is Jewish according to Scripture, the concept of being Jewish and believing in Yeshua is neither an oxymoron nor mutual exclusivity. The name Jew comes from the fourth tribe of Israel, "Judas," which in Hebrew means "praising God". So first of all a Jew is one who worships God Most people mistakenly believe that being Jewish means being part of a religious institution or believe it is a birthright.
The Jews today are associated with the Jewish religion, just as the Catholics themselves with the Catholic religion. But this is not what God intended it to be a "Jew." Let me first of all start by explaining how it has developed the Jewish religion. It all started with Ezra. With his return to Jerusalem after the exile in Babylon, Ezra understood that Israel's problems were related to their disobedience to the Torah (the five books of Moses).
To ensure that a tragedy like this does not happen more, He established the concept of building stakes around the 613 original bylaws. A law-defense is built around a law to another law.
Take for example the law which states: Shemot / Exodus 23:19 "... Thou shalt not seethe a kid in its mother's milk." The defense around this law is that the Jews can not eat meat and drink milk at the same time. So, why a Jew violates one of the 613 biblical laws, should first break the law of defense.
Ezra believed that doing so would protect the Jewish nation from a future exile. Over the centuries, other laws were added to the defense, which evolved to the point where they are today, from the original 613 laws, there are 300000-500000 more about defense. With all these laws, it did not take long for people to fall into the trap of serving the law instead of God The original intent of God, that have a personal relationship with the people of his covenant, became a burden, or a religion-oriented the works. God took first by a man named Abraham, a worshiper of idols, the Chaldeans and made a covenant with him. It was an unconditional covenant Abraham had no obligation. God in His infinite wisdom, chose arbitrarily Abram, changed his name to Abraham and promised him a country, a nation, the blessings and that he would become a blessing. In the course of history and the circumstances behind the guidance and divine, God began to fulfill His promise.
The promise was that Abraham's descendants would become a great religion, but would be a great nation. Now, in order to separate this nation by the adoration of pagan idols of other nations, God gave to your country customs, laws and traditions particular, that he drew in the Torah. These customs, and traditions of the Mosaic laws were intended to distinguish the children of Israel from all other nations, as a nation and not as a religion.
You see, being a Jew is a nationality, and has never been, nor has it ever meant to be, an organized religion. The "Jews - Worshippers of God" should have had a relationship staff with their creator, who wished to live among them will. Religion is not from God, but the report! Considering the above, a Jew who believes in Yeshua as the Messiah, becomes a Christian? You convert? Well, we know that not being a Christian means to belong to a religion. The term Christian means "follower of the teachings of Christ." Christ means "Anointed One" or "Messiah." God in His infinite wisdom, knew from the beginning that Israel would go astray and it would eventually have developed a religion to replace departed in his presence, his "Shechinah". Yechezekiel / Ezekiel 11:22-23. "Then the cherubim their wings, and the wheels beside them, the glory of the God of Israel was over them above. The glory of the Lord he rose through the city and stood on the mountain located east of the city. "Ezekiel was describing the glory of the Lord leaving the temple, which left the presence of His apostate people. This is what is the righteousness. It means replacing the Shekinah glory of God with rules, regulations and laws made by man.
Yeshua came to clarify the relationship between man and God, to bring them to Himself so that God's Spirit could dwell, not them but in them. This is the new covenant spoken of in Jeremiah. Yermiyahu / Jeremiah 31:31-33. "Behold, the days come, saith the Lord, that I will a new covenant with the house of Israel and the house of Judah, not like the covenant I made with their fathers in the day that I took them by the hand to lead them out of Egypt: they violated a pact that, though I was their master, says the Lord, but this is the covenant I will make with the house of Israel after those days, saith the Lord: I will put my law in their own, write it on their heart, and I will be their God , and they shall be my people. "
Yeshua fulfilled this new deal offers, and to those of the Jewish nation and that the pagan nations, the opportunity to reconcile with their creator, through His atoning sacrifice. Seeing that a man can not serve the penalty of sin another man, Yeshua was God incarnate. God can satisfy your requirement for justice, that is death. What happens when a Jew accepts Yeshua as their Messiah, is entering into the fullness of his personal relationship with God, the original relationship that God intended for them, when he chose Abraham. And since Judaism is a nationality, a Jew can become a follower of the teachings of the Messiah, while remaining a Jew.


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