March 29, 1992 by David Wilkerson
"But when you pray, go into your room and shut the door, pray to thy Father which is in secret: and thy Father which seeth in secret will reward you "(Matthew 6:6).
When Jesus speaks of entering a secret closet to search for the Father, refers to something much bigger than a room in a literal sense.
The Old Testament says that God separated His people into two categories: those who seek and those who seek Him! "(Ezra 8:22).
Even today, God has two types of children: those who regularly seek him in their secret closet of prayer and those who do not.
When God was angry with Israel for its idolatry, Moses planted outside his tent of the field. The Bible says that later, "anyone seeking the Lord, he went to the tent of meeting, which was outside the camp" (Exodus 33:7).
In the middle of the spread of idolatry in Israel, there were still children of God who devoted time and energy to seek the Lord with all their heart! This residue saint emerged from the millions of idolaters who crowded the people of Israel. They knew they were having to go outside the camp or they too would fall into apostasy that meandered among the people.
Centuries later, the subjects of the king Asa, and they realized that God had blessed them and prospered and had none guaranteed peace with all their enemies, "because we have sought the LORD our God; us, we have tried, and he has given us peace along our border. So they began to build, and prosper "(2 Chronicles 16:6).
At some point in the reign of Asa, an army of one million Ethiopians moved against Israel:" Then Asa called upon his God, and said: "Thou art the Lord our God, the man does not win against you." And the LORD smote the Ethiopians before Asa and the Ethiopians fled were shot to pieces before the LORD "(2 Chronicles 14:10-13).
When Asa was attacked, he fell on his face and turned to God in prayer, and God answered with the victory! Shortly after that triumph, however, the prophet Azariah joined Asa and said: "The Lord is with you when you are with him, if ye seek him, he will be found of you: but if ye forsake him, He will forsake you "(2 Chronicles 15:2).
In other words," if you stop to look for communion God, if you stop and longed to invoke His name in everything you do, He will forsake you. "
Azaria knew that because of the wide releases catered by God, the king would have been tempted to become proud and do rely on the meat. In fact, every time that the Israelites sought God after that, he blessed them, saying in his distress he (meaning the people of Israel) was converted to the Lord God of Israel, has searched, and he has found of him. "
know where the Israelites were the power and victory from having sought God with all your heart!
" They agreed in a covenant to seek the LORD God of their fathers, with all their hearts and with all their soul because they had sworn with all my heart, had sought the Lord with great passion and he was found of them. And the Lord gave them peace along the borders "(2 Chronicles 15:12,15).
savored the rest when Israel sought God in prayer! This does not mean that they had problems, but because he fell on his face, and cried out to God, turning to Him in total dependence, he rescued them and always gave their order and strength.
of King Uzziah is written, "until he sought the LORD, God made him prosper His fame reached distant lands, for he was marvelously rescue, until he became powerful" (2 Chronicles 26:5,15). Since Uzziah sought the Lord God made him strong and keep order in his kingdom.
But, in its prosperity, the king stopped seeking God's pride and his heart crept s'insuperbì. Uzziah was entrusted to the arms of the flesh and became a leper made a shameful end!
Jeremiah prophesied that all the pastors who refuse to seek God in prayer will be much the same way "because the pastors have been stupid and have not sought the LORD: therefore have no prospered and all their flocks shall be scattered "(Jeremiah 10:21).
seek God
In truth, the scene described by Jeremiah is an accurate picture of what is seen today in the Church of Jesus Christ. Many pastors are now lazy and careless. They see their calling as a job, as a check! They rely on the arms of his flesh, address books and commentaries to prepare their sermons instead of trying to know the heart of God through prayer. They have lost all power to feed the flock and keep it in order and therefore the sheep are scattered!
unit that once maintained the strong Church is falling apart. Christians are hungry for the gospel and run from one place another just to find some crumbs that satisfies the desire of their hearts.
Jeremiah, in his day, said: "My curtains are broken, all my rope broke" (Jeremiah 10:20 a). the rope was referring to the binding power of God that kept the unity of the people, had been destroyed.
"My children have gone away from me and no more" (Jeremiah 10:20 b).
The flock was gone, lost!
"There is no one to put forth my tent, which will raise My towels" (Jeremiah 10:20 c) There was such impurities
among priests that none of them dared to approach the sacred things of God No priest was worthy to touch the sacred cloth!
Maybe you have the type of pastor described by Jeremiah. Probably it was still early, dedicated to prayer and God blessed him and made him prosper. There was unity in the church, because prayer creates unity. Now everything is in ruins. God had to turn elsewhere His face, because he had to say to all the pastors and Christians lazy: "I DO NOT LOOK FOR MORE '."
The Lord makes a clear distinction between this type of believers and those who seek Him in prayer.
wish to address myself now to those who seek God
Have A Secret Closet!
Do you have a room to pray?
I am not referring to a special room, which would in any case to case, but rather the habit of secluded You do it with God?
Having a "secret closet" means simple apartment with God anywhere, at any time, devoting a period of time chosen for quality, the desire of the Lord, seeking God, the invocation of His name.
"prayer closet" means "used to pray."
Observe the daily practice of apartments with God? This is why when it comes to prayer closet: PRACTICE.
impose means to go before God, to respond when the Spirit is calling you. It means having a heart that says: "I must be alone with God I speak with my father today."
Sometimes my secret closet is the car, when I'm alone, often is my studio at home, but is also a country road in Pennsylvania, where sometimes I retire to be with the Lord.
You can walk the streets of New York. A few weeks ago, was a Florida beach on which I walked for hours, set apart with God
The type of prayer that I speak, has to do with intimacy with God, being alone with him!
Jesus warned against hypocrisy in prayer. Makes a dramatic distinction between those who seek God in the secret closet and pray for those who considered holy by others!
Hypocrites are actors, people who pretend to be holy to receive the praise of others. Jesus said that there are many of these actors in His church, "when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on street corners to be seen by men. I tell you the truth that this is the prize that they have "(Matthew 6:5).
Our flesh loves applause and congratulations, but God can not use our flesh, our sinful nature, because our flesh can not be remodeled or sanctified. When we are born again, God removes our flesh and makes us new creatures in His Spirit. Our flesh must be rejected and put to death!
However, we can see the flesh at work in us when we do something for God but we can not understand why others do not appreciate it. Our flesh wants us to sing our praises!
"They", ie the hypocrites, "they love to pray" (Matthew 6:5), or at least that's what they want you to believe. They pray in church, attending prayer meetings, but not in the habit of praying! It is not secluded from the Father alone to pray.
I remember having heard of the reputation of a man of prayer, a shepherd, and I said, "pray eight hours a day." I thought, "Wow! Maybe preacher! I want to meet him."
I met him and I did not notice anything special in him, then I realized: if he had spent eight hours a day in prayer, the rest would be realized simply by changes in his character. But there were no changes in this man! Those of the others knew her long vigils, just because he had reported. He had sung his praises!
Have Power!
Beloved, God does not hear even one of the words of the prayers of the hypocrites, because those prayers were never meant for him, and Jesus says that will have no reward from the Father (Matthew 6:5 c)!
However, this message does not intend to speak only hypocrites, but also of good Christians, honest and faithful. I was really shocked to see that very few Christians practice the wonderful daily communion with the Lord. The vast majority only in church and pray at meals and more, says maybe a few quick words before going to bed. They have the habit of praying, that do not have it until they are hit by a crisis then, yes, they are quick to bow his head!
I can not help but feel grow into a holy indignation when someone tells me: "Brother David, you have to pray because it's your job. Is your vocation as a preacher who needs it. But I'm not in the ministry. I this vocation. "
No! The habit of moving closer to God every day is necessary for all of us! The reason why so many Christians lack the power in your life, you do not have a prayer life. They pray maybe once a week, or when they feel like it. Dear
, prayer random, intermittent, has absolutely no power.
"your Father sees in secret" (Matthew 6:6).
God sees in secret deep in our hearts!
see how much time devoted to things I thought necessary, friends, television (in front of which wasted hours and hours) and see that go to him for a belated reflection, or just conviction of sin or a feeling of self-condemnation .
The secret closet is any place where a child of God shuts out the world and close in alone with God to seek Him and to pray!
Jesus clearly stated: "when you pray, enter into thy closet and shut the door, pray to Your Father "(Matthew 6:6). In other words, when you go into your room, do not start to pray before you close the door!
This means that you should not talk to your Father with a cluttered mind. Close out all the thoughts that make you away from Him Be awake, focused not waste words, do not think of anything else. You can let your mind wander when you talk with friends or when you are at work or at school, but when you go to the presence of the King, Bible says, "sees in secret"!
Many people pray for long hours and yet they are without power in their daily walk. They wonder why the answers do not come because they are not victorious. it is because they pray with the door room air. Leave open the door to distractions and God does not answer prayers apathetic and lacking in sincerity!
You go into your secret closet for hours without ever making weighted prayers, did not hit the target ear of God, because you do not know what you want or what you need?
Do not be deceived: it takes a concentrated effort to pray!
When you go into your secret closet, close the door and unplug the phone.
Every child of God who has his heart in search of the Father, will face what I call the "satanic interruptions." The devil will come to interrupt you to direct your mind to anything other than the your heavenly Father.
Dear friends, this discipline is absolutely imperative.
If we encounter God and be heard by Him, then we must find where he is: in the secret!
"And thy Father which seeth in secret will reward you" (Matthew 6:6).
God called you to present confidently before the throne of grace that is behind closed doors.
the throne room of God is not like the seat of the court in Manhattan. I went to court that once, and I wondered how he did the judge to focus his mind on the case. Court reporters came and went, the lawyers were talking here and there: sometimes seemed a madhouse. From time and then the court must proceed with force his gavel and shouted: "Silence."
the presence of God, however, there is such a disaster. There are endless queues of people waiting to appear, nor are there souls that distract going away here and there. When you enter the throne room of God and shut the door behind you, just you and the Father. You are alone in His presence. His only interest is you.
I must ask, in the presence of your heavenly Father will never lead you dare not act like in front of your mayor or governor or president? Suppose you need to ask the president an hour of his time. Revenue in his office, you sit down, but your mind is elsewhere, perhaps concentrated on someone who plays tennis beyond the window. How do you think durereste in his presence?
When you go to look your Father in prayer, close the door so that nothing and no one can enter, no pride, no distractions! Literally close the door and close it spiritually, "taking every thought captive to make it obedient to Christ" (2 Corinthians 10:5).
quality time!
In the Old Testament people could not approach the altar with a lamb that was stained or blind or lame. They had to bring the Lord the best they had.
I ask you: what kind of time-course in your bedroom? It's your best time, when you are perfectly awake? Or go to the Lord rather tired and weary, and brought into his presence with heavy dark circles? If your mind begins to wander because you are tired, just admit it. Say, "Jesus, this evening I'm too tired to pray. I'll go to bed and when I wake up, I dedicate an hour better."
Go to Him in the morning to pray about many things, but your mind thinks that the car must be washed in a day? Dear
, mind and heart should be where are the lips! Isaiah spoke of the kind of "burnt offerings and sacrifices will be accepted on my altar, for my house shall be called a house of prayer" (Isaiah 56:7).
Those who offer sacrifices acceptable God says, are those "who are united to the Lord to serve him, to love the name of the LORD" (Isaiah 56:6).
Dear saints, this is the only acceptable sacrifice we can offer on the altar of God! It is not a sacrifice lame, lethargic, sleepy, a mandatory bid last minute. No. It flows from a heart that is consumed with love for Jesus, who cries all the time: "God, I come to you today to meet you. I want to be guided, corrected and instructed by you. I want to learn obedience, understanding your ways. You always want more. "
Referring to those who bring such sacrifices, God says in IASIA 56:7: "I will bring to my holy mountain and make them joyful in My house prayer. "
God will hear our prayers and lead us to a place of holiness, joy and power.
a place where we enter with our whole heart!
" Blessed are those who observe His teachings, who seek to all your heart "(Psalm 119:2).
Once purchased the habit of prayer closet, and you close out all distractions, God desires that seek him with all your heart," but from there you seek the LORD your God, and find him, if thou seek him with all your heart and with all thy soul "(Deuteronomy 4:29).
These were the words that Moses spoke to Israel at the point of death. He knew that people would faced great trials and tribulations, and they wanted the key to victory: "In your distress, when all these things are come upon thee, of late, return to the Lord, your God, and shalt be obedient unto his voice, because the Lord thy God is a merciful God and he will not abandon you and do not destroy thee, nor forget the covenant which he swore to your fathers "(Deuteronomy 4:30,31).
Moses warned: "Whatever you face, do not grumble, do not complain. Do not turn a man or flesh. Turn to the Lord and seek him in prayer! God promises that if thou seek him with all your heart, He will help you."
Being in the room means to appear before to God with one purpose: to pour out! Namely, that everything tends toward God in you, all your heart, your soul, your mind and your strength. Sometimes you can do so without a word. What matters to your Father in heaven is that you go to him with everything yourself!
Jesus promised a large reward: Order in your life!
Jesus said that when we go into our secret closet, shutting out all distractions and open ourselves totally to God, our Father will reward us.
"thy Father which seeth in secret will reward you" (Matthew 6:6).
There are many rewards that come from the secret closet, but there is one in particular that the Holy Spirit has revealed to me: I want you to know what it is.
The Bible says that Jehoshaphat sought the Lord with all his heart "(2 Chronicles 22:9). As they seek God, his kingdom enjoyed twenty-five years of order. He had power with God and power over all the enemies of Israel, even when he was attacked from all sides, God frustrated the plans of the enemies quickly because the people immediately began to seek the Lord. There was always order, chaos or confusion ever. Why? Why seek ye the Lord!
he got into power to the son of Jehoshaphat, Ahaziah, and he did not seek the Lord.
Ahaziah was killed by Jehu, and "the house of Ahaziah had no one who was not able to reign "(2 Chronicles 22:9). Ahaziah had no power that his father had to keep order, because he prayed.
Dear saint, your kingdom is your home, if you do not have a prayer closet, the daily habit of seeking God, then you lack the power to bring order to your home. The devil can bring chaos into your home, your job, your family, your relationships with others!
You see, the power of secret closet is the power on the confusion and disorder in your life, your family, your work, in your church!
a good word for everyone!
God promises that if you seek Him with all your continuation heart, you always have plenty of spiritual food, "Sharon will be a corral of sheep, the valley of Achor a resting place for herds, for my people that I have tried" (Isaiah 65:10).
But those who seek God will be empty, hungry, parched and wander in search of a shepherd, and thirsty, never satisfied.
The Bible says of them: "But you're hungry you thirst but you will be disappointed" (Isaiah 65:13).
Instead: "My servants will eat drink rejoice sing for the joy of their hearts" (IASIA 65:13,14). Those who
secluded with God, pouring out their souls on Him and seek Him for everything, will power, authority, spiritual power, food for the soul and the mind. They will be led by God in a place of spiritual rest and fullness!
Yes, there is spiritual power in seeking God, the power to understand everything that happens in your life.
"Those who seek the LORD understand all things" (Proverbs 28:5).
Keep on trying, praying, and God will give understanding of what you are facing!
"To you who seek God will revive your heart" (Psalm 69:32 - New International Version).
Psalm 91 is your favorite piece for many believers of the whole Bible. That there are great promises!
The whole Psalm is a revelation of the liberating power that comes from living and preserved in an attitude of The search for God
person living in this house of prayer has power over all the wiles of the enemy, all the fears on each wound and each disease will have the power to triumph and achieve the fulfillment of prayers!
But there is one condition for this, and we find it in the first verse of the Psalm: "He who dwells in the shelter of resting in the shade of the Almighty" (Psalm 91:1).
home is to live. Live in your prayer closet, in the shelter of? Is your home at any time of day?
You may ask "means that I must be close to God all the time?". In a sense, yes!
The apostle Paul exhorts us not to Pray without ceasing (1 Thessalonians 5:17). And David said: "Seek the LORD and His strength, Seek his face!" (1 Chronicles 16:11).
Dear saint, in your every waking hour, focus your mind on God
Be in communion with him DesiderateLo eagerly at any time. Throughout the day, in everything, call in your spirit. Then you will know your power and your order at every step!
The Old Testament says that God separated His people into two categories: those who seek and those who seek Him! "(Ezra 8:22).
Even today, God has two types of children: those who regularly seek him in their secret closet of prayer and those who do not.
When God was angry with Israel for its idolatry, Moses planted outside his tent of the field. The Bible says that later, "anyone seeking the Lord, he went to the tent of meeting, which was outside the camp" (Exodus 33:7).
In the middle of the spread of idolatry in Israel, there were still children of God who devoted time and energy to seek the Lord with all their heart! This residue saint emerged from the millions of idolaters who crowded the people of Israel. They knew they were having to go outside the camp or they too would fall into apostasy that meandered among the people.
Centuries later, the subjects of the king Asa, and they realized that God had blessed them and prospered and had none guaranteed peace with all their enemies, "because we have sought the LORD our God; us, we have tried, and he has given us peace along our border. So they began to build, and prosper "(2 Chronicles 16:6).
At some point in the reign of Asa, an army of one million Ethiopians moved against Israel:" Then Asa called upon his God, and said: "Thou art the Lord our God, the man does not win against you." And the LORD smote the Ethiopians before Asa and the Ethiopians fled were shot to pieces before the LORD "(2 Chronicles 14:10-13).
When Asa was attacked, he fell on his face and turned to God in prayer, and God answered with the victory! Shortly after that triumph, however, the prophet Azariah joined Asa and said: "The Lord is with you when you are with him, if ye seek him, he will be found of you: but if ye forsake him, He will forsake you "(2 Chronicles 15:2).
In other words," if you stop to look for communion God, if you stop and longed to invoke His name in everything you do, He will forsake you. "
Azaria knew that because of the wide releases catered by God, the king would have been tempted to become proud and do rely on the meat. In fact, every time that the Israelites sought God after that, he blessed them, saying in his distress he (meaning the people of Israel) was converted to the Lord God of Israel, has searched, and he has found of him. "
know where the Israelites were the power and victory from having sought God with all your heart!
" They agreed in a covenant to seek the LORD God of their fathers, with all their hearts and with all their soul because they had sworn with all my heart, had sought the Lord with great passion and he was found of them. And the Lord gave them peace along the borders "(2 Chronicles 15:12,15).
savored the rest when Israel sought God in prayer! This does not mean that they had problems, but because he fell on his face, and cried out to God, turning to Him in total dependence, he rescued them and always gave their order and strength.
of King Uzziah is written, "until he sought the LORD, God made him prosper His fame reached distant lands, for he was marvelously rescue, until he became powerful" (2 Chronicles 26:5,15). Since Uzziah sought the Lord God made him strong and keep order in his kingdom.
But, in its prosperity, the king stopped seeking God's pride and his heart crept s'insuperbì. Uzziah was entrusted to the arms of the flesh and became a leper made a shameful end!
Jeremiah prophesied that all the pastors who refuse to seek God in prayer will be much the same way "because the pastors have been stupid and have not sought the LORD: therefore have no prospered and all their flocks shall be scattered "(Jeremiah 10:21).
seek God
In truth, the scene described by Jeremiah is an accurate picture of what is seen today in the Church of Jesus Christ. Many pastors are now lazy and careless. They see their calling as a job, as a check! They rely on the arms of his flesh, address books and commentaries to prepare their sermons instead of trying to know the heart of God through prayer. They have lost all power to feed the flock and keep it in order and therefore the sheep are scattered!
unit that once maintained the strong Church is falling apart. Christians are hungry for the gospel and run from one place another just to find some crumbs that satisfies the desire of their hearts.
Jeremiah, in his day, said: "My curtains are broken, all my rope broke" (Jeremiah 10:20 a). the rope was referring to the binding power of God that kept the unity of the people, had been destroyed.
"My children have gone away from me and no more" (Jeremiah 10:20 b).
The flock was gone, lost!
"There is no one to put forth my tent, which will raise My towels" (Jeremiah 10:20 c) There was such impurities
among priests that none of them dared to approach the sacred things of God No priest was worthy to touch the sacred cloth!
Maybe you have the type of pastor described by Jeremiah. Probably it was still early, dedicated to prayer and God blessed him and made him prosper. There was unity in the church, because prayer creates unity. Now everything is in ruins. God had to turn elsewhere His face, because he had to say to all the pastors and Christians lazy: "I DO NOT LOOK FOR MORE '."
The Lord makes a clear distinction between this type of believers and those who seek Him in prayer.
wish to address myself now to those who seek God
Have A Secret Closet!
Do you have a room to pray?
I am not referring to a special room, which would in any case to case, but rather the habit of secluded You do it with God?
Having a "secret closet" means simple apartment with God anywhere, at any time, devoting a period of time chosen for quality, the desire of the Lord, seeking God, the invocation of His name.
"prayer closet" means "used to pray."
Observe the daily practice of apartments with God? This is why when it comes to prayer closet: PRACTICE.
impose means to go before God, to respond when the Spirit is calling you. It means having a heart that says: "I must be alone with God I speak with my father today."
Sometimes my secret closet is the car, when I'm alone, often is my studio at home, but is also a country road in Pennsylvania, where sometimes I retire to be with the Lord.
You can walk the streets of New York. A few weeks ago, was a Florida beach on which I walked for hours, set apart with God
The type of prayer that I speak, has to do with intimacy with God, being alone with him!
Jesus warned against hypocrisy in prayer. Makes a dramatic distinction between those who seek God in the secret closet and pray for those who considered holy by others!
Hypocrites are actors, people who pretend to be holy to receive the praise of others. Jesus said that there are many of these actors in His church, "when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on street corners to be seen by men. I tell you the truth that this is the prize that they have "(Matthew 6:5).
Our flesh loves applause and congratulations, but God can not use our flesh, our sinful nature, because our flesh can not be remodeled or sanctified. When we are born again, God removes our flesh and makes us new creatures in His Spirit. Our flesh must be rejected and put to death!
However, we can see the flesh at work in us when we do something for God but we can not understand why others do not appreciate it. Our flesh wants us to sing our praises!
"They", ie the hypocrites, "they love to pray" (Matthew 6:5), or at least that's what they want you to believe. They pray in church, attending prayer meetings, but not in the habit of praying! It is not secluded from the Father alone to pray.
I remember having heard of the reputation of a man of prayer, a shepherd, and I said, "pray eight hours a day." I thought, "Wow! Maybe preacher! I want to meet him."
I met him and I did not notice anything special in him, then I realized: if he had spent eight hours a day in prayer, the rest would be realized simply by changes in his character. But there were no changes in this man! Those of the others knew her long vigils, just because he had reported. He had sung his praises!
Have Power!
Beloved, God does not hear even one of the words of the prayers of the hypocrites, because those prayers were never meant for him, and Jesus says that will have no reward from the Father (Matthew 6:5 c)!
However, this message does not intend to speak only hypocrites, but also of good Christians, honest and faithful. I was really shocked to see that very few Christians practice the wonderful daily communion with the Lord. The vast majority only in church and pray at meals and more, says maybe a few quick words before going to bed. They have the habit of praying, that do not have it until they are hit by a crisis then, yes, they are quick to bow his head!
I can not help but feel grow into a holy indignation when someone tells me: "Brother David, you have to pray because it's your job. Is your vocation as a preacher who needs it. But I'm not in the ministry. I this vocation. "
No! The habit of moving closer to God every day is necessary for all of us! The reason why so many Christians lack the power in your life, you do not have a prayer life. They pray maybe once a week, or when they feel like it. Dear
, prayer random, intermittent, has absolutely no power.
"your Father sees in secret" (Matthew 6:6).
God sees in secret deep in our hearts!
see how much time devoted to things I thought necessary, friends, television (in front of which wasted hours and hours) and see that go to him for a belated reflection, or just conviction of sin or a feeling of self-condemnation .
The secret closet is any place where a child of God shuts out the world and close in alone with God to seek Him and to pray!
Jesus clearly stated: "when you pray, enter into thy closet and shut the door, pray to Your Father "(Matthew 6:6). In other words, when you go into your room, do not start to pray before you close the door!
This means that you should not talk to your Father with a cluttered mind. Close out all the thoughts that make you away from Him Be awake, focused not waste words, do not think of anything else. You can let your mind wander when you talk with friends or when you are at work or at school, but when you go to the presence of the King, Bible says, "sees in secret"!
Many people pray for long hours and yet they are without power in their daily walk. They wonder why the answers do not come because they are not victorious. it is because they pray with the door room air. Leave open the door to distractions and God does not answer prayers apathetic and lacking in sincerity!
You go into your secret closet for hours without ever making weighted prayers, did not hit the target ear of God, because you do not know what you want or what you need?
Do not be deceived: it takes a concentrated effort to pray!
When you go into your secret closet, close the door and unplug the phone.
Every child of God who has his heart in search of the Father, will face what I call the "satanic interruptions." The devil will come to interrupt you to direct your mind to anything other than the your heavenly Father.
Dear friends, this discipline is absolutely imperative.
If we encounter God and be heard by Him, then we must find where he is: in the secret!
"And thy Father which seeth in secret will reward you" (Matthew 6:6).
God called you to present confidently before the throne of grace that is behind closed doors.
the throne room of God is not like the seat of the court in Manhattan. I went to court that once, and I wondered how he did the judge to focus his mind on the case. Court reporters came and went, the lawyers were talking here and there: sometimes seemed a madhouse. From time and then the court must proceed with force his gavel and shouted: "Silence."
the presence of God, however, there is such a disaster. There are endless queues of people waiting to appear, nor are there souls that distract going away here and there. When you enter the throne room of God and shut the door behind you, just you and the Father. You are alone in His presence. His only interest is you.
I must ask, in the presence of your heavenly Father will never lead you dare not act like in front of your mayor or governor or president? Suppose you need to ask the president an hour of his time. Revenue in his office, you sit down, but your mind is elsewhere, perhaps concentrated on someone who plays tennis beyond the window. How do you think durereste in his presence?
When you go to look your Father in prayer, close the door so that nothing and no one can enter, no pride, no distractions! Literally close the door and close it spiritually, "taking every thought captive to make it obedient to Christ" (2 Corinthians 10:5).
quality time!
In the Old Testament people could not approach the altar with a lamb that was stained or blind or lame. They had to bring the Lord the best they had.
I ask you: what kind of time-course in your bedroom? It's your best time, when you are perfectly awake? Or go to the Lord rather tired and weary, and brought into his presence with heavy dark circles? If your mind begins to wander because you are tired, just admit it. Say, "Jesus, this evening I'm too tired to pray. I'll go to bed and when I wake up, I dedicate an hour better."
Go to Him in the morning to pray about many things, but your mind thinks that the car must be washed in a day? Dear
, mind and heart should be where are the lips! Isaiah spoke of the kind of "burnt offerings and sacrifices will be accepted on my altar, for my house shall be called a house of prayer" (Isaiah 56:7).
Those who offer sacrifices acceptable God says, are those "who are united to the Lord to serve him, to love the name of the LORD" (Isaiah 56:6).
Dear saints, this is the only acceptable sacrifice we can offer on the altar of God! It is not a sacrifice lame, lethargic, sleepy, a mandatory bid last minute. No. It flows from a heart that is consumed with love for Jesus, who cries all the time: "God, I come to you today to meet you. I want to be guided, corrected and instructed by you. I want to learn obedience, understanding your ways. You always want more. "
Referring to those who bring such sacrifices, God says in IASIA 56:7: "I will bring to my holy mountain and make them joyful in My house prayer. "
God will hear our prayers and lead us to a place of holiness, joy and power.
a place where we enter with our whole heart!
" Blessed are those who observe His teachings, who seek to all your heart "(Psalm 119:2).
Once purchased the habit of prayer closet, and you close out all distractions, God desires that seek him with all your heart," but from there you seek the LORD your God, and find him, if thou seek him with all your heart and with all thy soul "(Deuteronomy 4:29).
These were the words that Moses spoke to Israel at the point of death. He knew that people would faced great trials and tribulations, and they wanted the key to victory: "In your distress, when all these things are come upon thee, of late, return to the Lord, your God, and shalt be obedient unto his voice, because the Lord thy God is a merciful God and he will not abandon you and do not destroy thee, nor forget the covenant which he swore to your fathers "(Deuteronomy 4:30,31).
Moses warned: "Whatever you face, do not grumble, do not complain. Do not turn a man or flesh. Turn to the Lord and seek him in prayer! God promises that if thou seek him with all your heart, He will help you."
Being in the room means to appear before to God with one purpose: to pour out! Namely, that everything tends toward God in you, all your heart, your soul, your mind and your strength. Sometimes you can do so without a word. What matters to your Father in heaven is that you go to him with everything yourself!
Jesus promised a large reward: Order in your life!
Jesus said that when we go into our secret closet, shutting out all distractions and open ourselves totally to God, our Father will reward us.
"thy Father which seeth in secret will reward you" (Matthew 6:6).
There are many rewards that come from the secret closet, but there is one in particular that the Holy Spirit has revealed to me: I want you to know what it is.
The Bible says that Jehoshaphat sought the Lord with all his heart "(2 Chronicles 22:9). As they seek God, his kingdom enjoyed twenty-five years of order. He had power with God and power over all the enemies of Israel, even when he was attacked from all sides, God frustrated the plans of the enemies quickly because the people immediately began to seek the Lord. There was always order, chaos or confusion ever. Why? Why seek ye the Lord!
he got into power to the son of Jehoshaphat, Ahaziah, and he did not seek the Lord.
Ahaziah was killed by Jehu, and "the house of Ahaziah had no one who was not able to reign "(2 Chronicles 22:9). Ahaziah had no power that his father had to keep order, because he prayed.
Dear saint, your kingdom is your home, if you do not have a prayer closet, the daily habit of seeking God, then you lack the power to bring order to your home. The devil can bring chaos into your home, your job, your family, your relationships with others!
You see, the power of secret closet is the power on the confusion and disorder in your life, your family, your work, in your church!
a good word for everyone!
God promises that if you seek Him with all your continuation heart, you always have plenty of spiritual food, "Sharon will be a corral of sheep, the valley of Achor a resting place for herds, for my people that I have tried" (Isaiah 65:10).
But those who seek God will be empty, hungry, parched and wander in search of a shepherd, and thirsty, never satisfied.
The Bible says of them: "But you're hungry you thirst but you will be disappointed" (Isaiah 65:13).
Instead: "My servants will eat drink rejoice sing for the joy of their hearts" (IASIA 65:13,14). Those who
secluded with God, pouring out their souls on Him and seek Him for everything, will power, authority, spiritual power, food for the soul and the mind. They will be led by God in a place of spiritual rest and fullness!
Yes, there is spiritual power in seeking God, the power to understand everything that happens in your life.
"Those who seek the LORD understand all things" (Proverbs 28:5).
Keep on trying, praying, and God will give understanding of what you are facing!
"To you who seek God will revive your heart" (Psalm 69:32 - New International Version).
Psalm 91 is your favorite piece for many believers of the whole Bible. That there are great promises!
The whole Psalm is a revelation of the liberating power that comes from living and preserved in an attitude of The search for God
person living in this house of prayer has power over all the wiles of the enemy, all the fears on each wound and each disease will have the power to triumph and achieve the fulfillment of prayers!
But there is one condition for this, and we find it in the first verse of the Psalm: "He who dwells in the shelter of resting in the shade of the Almighty" (Psalm 91:1).
home is to live. Live in your prayer closet, in the shelter of? Is your home at any time of day?
You may ask "means that I must be close to God all the time?". In a sense, yes!
The apostle Paul exhorts us not to Pray without ceasing (1 Thessalonians 5:17). And David said: "Seek the LORD and His strength, Seek his face!" (1 Chronicles 16:11).
Dear saint, in your every waking hour, focus your mind on God
Be in communion with him DesiderateLo eagerly at any time. Throughout the day, in everything, call in your spirit. Then you will know your power and your order at every step!
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