Mk 7,31-37
Don Michele Cutta Once again, the Gospel presents Jesus who stoops to suffering humanity, does not remain indifferent before the infirmities of the afflicted. Christ is presented to a deaf-mute. In ancient times, this kind of Sick man a total exclusion. Being deaf in those days meant not being able to relate with the world in any way. "And taking him aside from the crowd, put his fingers in his ears and he spat and touched his tongue and looking up to heaven, he sighed and said Ephphatha, ie opened! And his ears were opened, you split his tongue and he spoke clearly. "Every time that humanity has an appointment with the Creator is healed. Like Jesus in meeting the man who always puts it back on track, not only physically but also on a human level. This first issue has to give us pause:
If God does not love the marginalization, if not all the time I see the fights, we as Christians can not accept it. There are several types of exclusion, there are not only those related to the disease. I can not think of many human beings "marginalized" I meet walking around the city: the poor, immigrants, the mentally ill, drug addicts. Well, you get who I mean. I know we are trying to shake off any liability (also do not think is a nuisance to remove any head). But before God is not so, the Christian is not an inert spectator of a "tragic film" which is filmed on the streets (or campaigns) of our cities. Then I will not even be imagined as well as spectators if we become careless jailers of our weaker brothers ... I'm not a fool nor a journalist who needs to make the scoop or the like to sell the newspaper. I know very well the difficulties that come together to move forward, to arrive "later this month" especially in some areas, like agriculture, I know that in the economic trigger mechanisms perverse honest people who put their backs to the wall; I am a parent myself and I know, for example, how difficult it is these days starting with the schools to manage the family ... Oh, how tragic if a family comes the classic "head Abbasciano" linked to a serious disease that leads you to do journeys of hope, I remember there was a song that said Lucio Battisti that "at 21 months of our money had already finished ..." Maybe, I say, to 21 this month! Yet human beings are always human beings, no matter the color, faith, nationality or other differences. The Christian, I say this without any moral but it is Jesus who cries, not making the next, does not take away the dignity of a brother. Before God, the employer retains a sin even if in self-pay the worker one more night ... also a sin before God who pushes a human being to be "exploitative" of another umano.L 'Humanity is always involved when there is an injustice, we are always involved. Too easy to say that the "rules economy ", which is the" globalization of markets, the euro has brought to its knees, that there is a recession ... All the reasons or the laws of this world does not absolve us from behaviors that lead to abbruttire and enslave a man. Man is in God's image offends a man who offends God, dearest brethren, as Christians, we all do, I tell everyone, an examination of conscience. The Gospel tells us of deafness. It can also happen us to be deaf, perhaps to be deaf to the soul. The worst deafness for the Christian is not to feel in his own life the voice of God If you notice, Jesus, heal the deaf-mute, before she takes it apart. The first voice that the deaf-mute hear is that of Jesus! The first item that we exclude in our daily life unfortunately is that God's' true, with the baptism we too had our Ephphatha by Christ. But if our heart does not want to listen, if our heart is closed in selfishness, God leaves us free. Christ does not violate anyone, do not break 'em head to convert the infidels. God is love, love is giving, that is to get out the bread from his mouth for prossimo.La Church has always borne witness to this love, the Church still has this love for others far and near to the next. I think of the many orders (bishops, priests and deacons) and to the many Christians who are uncomfortable, who lose their own pockets, and organize themselves for the camps, or those who go on "roads" in search of humanity lost that sells the body, or those who are close to those who are suffering in prison because, sick, desperate. And I can not think of all those "so-called Christians" who buy sex from 5 minutes to a human being ..., And I can not think of all those "so-called Christians" who have "slaves" to their addictions ... And I can not not to think about all those "so-called Christians" turning their heads away to see no evil. What a tragedy for us if we were to be part of this select group of "so-called Christians." What can I say, maybe we all come together at Sunday Mass. to beat our breasts. What is clear, beat his chest is useless if he does not leave the road of sin, the way of injustice. No, there are two ways of being Christian. The Way is only one: The way is Christ. It 's a way of life that surely leads to the passage of the Cross. Why just lose health, because the good is not always reciprocated with good, because some desperate that life puts before you are able to "snatch" all, forgive us all, but you gain that you will not be removed: Life eternal. Believe me, already on this earth you can taste it. Even in a simple and commonplace face, the face of Christ in your neighbor.
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