The film is set in Paris and the story opens on the first day of school Victoire "Vic" Berreton (Sophie Marceau), during which they are presented the public who become the protagonists classmates and a thousand daily adventures. The film ends on the day of completion of the fourteenth year of age of the protagonist, for which it is finally organized the coveted "party." During the movie, Vic will learn about the first great love, Mathieu (Alexandre Sterling), and trepidation for first emotions, jealousies and early first generational conflicts with their parents Francois (Claude Brasseur), a dentist, and Françoise (Brigitte Fossey), illustrator. On all this, there are the emotional vicissitudes of the parents of Vic, based on mutual betrayal, in which the protagonist responds to the attentions of relying Poupette great-grandmother (Denise Grey), sprightly eighty generous with tips and examples of bad (and true 'outsider' of film). The last scene, lasting a few seconds, see Vic have a new love interest: this underlines the fleeting intensity - and the simultaneous fragility - of romantic relationships in their early teens ...
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