David Wilkerson September 4, 2000
"In him you also become part of the building has to serve as a home to God through the Holy Spirit. " (Ephesians 2:22). A home is a place where you live. The Greek word for a stay in this verse means A "permanent residence".
Any Christian knows that God does not dwell in temples made with hands. In fact, our Lord has chosen to live in human form - that is the heart and soul of his people. Whoever is in Christ is a temple of his body - his home, his permanent residence. Every believer can claim with confidence: "God lives in me."
God has no other physical residences - no nation, no capital (not Jerusalem), no peak of the mountain. He does not live in the clouds or in the sky, darkness or light, in the sun, moon or stars. No doubt the Lord is everywhere, His presence fills all things. But according to His word, God makes his people of his home. A heart cleansed by the blood of Jesus is his permanent residence.
But when God began to dwell in us? This was done since we have given our heart to Jesus at that moment the presence of Christ has filled our lives. But further, Jesus has brought us to the fullness of the Godhead: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. He testified: "On that day you shall know that I am in my Father .... If anyone loves me will keep my word and my Father will love him, and we will come to him and stayed with him." (John 14:20-23).
gloriously Proverbs 8 reveals the covenant between God and His Figlioloriguardante their abode in mankind
Long before the world was created, the Father Heaven and His son agreed that mankind was their home. They made a pact according to which Jesus would come to earth to live in the hearts and bodies of the people selected. Let's look through the Scriptures.
The apostle Paul refers to Christ as the One who has wisdom: "It is thanks to him are ye in Christ Jesus, who of God is made unto us wisdom, or righteousness and sanctification and redemption" (1 Corinthians 1: 30).
Proverbs 8 speaks to us with wisdom, in a way that can only be referred to Jesus in verse 30 Wisdom says: "I was with him as an artist, I was always exuberant joy day after day, I rejoiced in every time in his presence. " As do we know that this verse refers to Jesus? He only had the delight of the Father. God does not delight in the wisdom, but in His Son.
We know that Christ was with God before the earth was created: "The Lord was with him at the beginning of his actions before making any of his older works. I was determined from eternity, from the beginning, before the earth was. " (Proverbs 8:22-23). You can imagine his pleasure each other is by the Father and the Son? They were together in the glory of heaven, in perfect happiness.
Remember this was before Jesus knew something of human sorrow. Had not yet entered a body of flesh, with all its burden and its evidence. Had not yet been touched by any human illness - was rejected, despised, mocked, spat upon, oppressed by human sin. It still had to go on the cross. He had yet to experience the Just Heavenly Father, who hid his face from him and had not yet tasted death.
At this point you enter the floor of the New Covenant. In this, God - he created man so that he could have free will - he saw that sinful man needed a redeemer. So the Father asked his Son to mediate in the New Covenant. The Lord asked: "Would you take a human body and become the sacrifice that redeems all of humanity? You take upon yourself all their sins, to remove the law that the evil has gained over their lives? "
Jesus fully understood the dreadful prospect. Antiveduto the beatings, the crown of thorns, the hatred and rejection of God's people and he saw the cross that was raised for him But Scripture says that Jesus was happy to give His life for us. He calculated the cost and said, "My God, I want to do your will, your law is within my heart" (Psalm 40 : 8).
The Son also spoke these incredible words: "I rejoice in the habitable part of his land, I found my joy of the sons of men" (Proverbs 8:31). Do you realize what Christ is saying? Among all the wonderful galaxies not yet discovered by man, of all the planets without number, God chose to dwell on this small sphere called earth. And the man has chosen as the place where he wishes to live. We were the "habitable part of his land."
This is the key to my message: Jesus knew that he would no longer enjoyed the blessed communion he had with the Father. But he was delighted at the prospect of coming to live in us: "I found my joy of the sons of men" (Proverbs 8:31). He was saying, "I'm going to bring people into my heart. And I'm going to be one with them, to enjoy their friendship." He was delighted at the thought of sweet communion with us!
Why Jesus rejoiced at the prospect uomodivenisse that a temple in which he could dwell?
I believe in the absolute foreknowledge of God, and believe that our Lord knew, long before we esistessimo, than any of us were ready to accept the gospel. Now, I do not think a limited reconciliation, God has not chosen to give some people and save more. Jesus died for everyone and anyone who comes to Him can be saved. Our Lord is not willing that any should perish (John 3:15-17, 2 Peter 3:9). But if he foreknows our names, he also knew if we would accept or reject His sacrifice.
Being intimately in touch with God, Christ shared this foreknowledge. And I think he saw in advance any person who had received as King and Lord in his heart. He knew each of us, whether we live in China, Russia, America, the African nations or any other nation. And he rejoiced at the prospect of coming to dwell in us.
you remember the day when you were saved? You can relive the feelings you have experienced - the promises you made to Jesus, promising to forgive others and follow him? Jesus saw it happen, eons before eternity - and he was delighted in you. He knew that you would have received, long before you were formed in your mother's womb.
David wrote: "Yes, thou hast taken from the womb, have made me confident repose on the breasts of my mother. I was entrusted to you from my birth, you are my God from my mother's womb. "(Psalm 22:9-10)." Your eyes saw my unformed body mass and in thy book were all written the days that I had for, when none of them was born yet. "(Psalm 139:16).
When you were not even a seed, God was taking note of all the members of your body in your book. He knew everything about you. And His Son, Jesus, was delighted to know that you'd grow to be his abode.
I offer three reasons why Jesus èdeliziato you to be His abode
1. Jesus rejoiced over you as your husband. looking forward to have intimacy and communion with his wife.
The Bible offers descriptions of many Our identity in Christ. We are called His body, His sheep, virgins, IGLI, servants, friends. But the most intimate of all these descriptions is this: we are the bride of Christ. "As the bride is the joy of the bridegroom, so you will be the joy of your God" (Isaiah 62:5).
If you are married, remember the time when you and your loved one you were engaged. Forget your head for one another. And count the days that separate you from being one flesh, in a perfect union with your spouse.
So is Jesus He could not wait to be with you, he agreed to leave the perfect communion he had with his father. Looked to the day when you finally'd be his bride. And his eyes would be a marriage of love. He was the apple of your eye, and you'd be all for him this was the reason for his joy.
Your fiance foretaste of the time when you go to him every day in the Closet, rejoicing in Him can spend hours together - cut off from the world, sharing your love, rejoicing in the sweet communion. And he will be happy to give her care, rejoicing with you, "He will rejoice with great joy because of you, you acqueterà in his love, rejoice, for your sake, with shouts of joy" (Zephaniah 3:17).
Now think back to the time when you have loved for the first time Jesus seek Him with all your heart. You were excited to go to the house of God to love him and worship him.
In the eyes of Jesus, every day spent with you is like a wedding day. He said: "This is where I will build my house. I will dwell in anyone wants me more than any manufacturer in the world."
My wife Gwen and I have had this kind of love in our marriage. If we were away for only four hours, we ended up calling us at least three times a day. This lasted for fifty years of marriage. Can you imagine what kind of love Jesus expects to have with you?
2. Jesus rejoices at the thought of sharing with you their innermost secrets.
One of the greatest expressions of true love is to share more intimate secrets with the person you love - things that no one else can know. Like any groom, Christ foretold that he share his secrets with you. It has already anticipate that you want to share the secrets of your heart with Him
This is what lovers do, even in a normal sexual relations. Although Samson had a carnal pleasure to Delilah, do not hide anything (see Judges 16:4). Her love for her, convinced him to reveal the secret of his strength - cost him his life.
Welcoming you Jesus that you would not be looking forward only his wife but also your best friend. He will foresee in your secret closet and pray, completely devoted to Him and rejoicing the thought of opening his word to you, revealing things that other believers can not see or hear. "... I have called you friends, because I have made known all the things I heard from my Father." (John 15:15).
He planned to share with you the hidden secrets of his divine nature. His word says, "but his friendship is for good men." (Proverbs 3:32). And yet the Lord does not make any of his greatest works without first saying to those who love Him. Amos writes: "Surely the Lord GOD does nothing without revealing his secret unto his servants the prophets." (Amos 3:7).
Jesus wants to tell the intimate revelations of the mind of God: what they want to achieve, in the world and in your life ... the magnificence of the New Covenant and His holy name ... the beauty of His sacrifice. Later he foretaste of the fact that you want to share with him your every need and problem, injury and defeat, hope and desire, dream and nightmare. He would be the one on which lighten your heart.
3. Jesus rejoiced in the fact that your wife would delight in His Word.
"Blessed is the man who hears me, who watches daily at my doors, which monitors the threshold of my house!" (Proverbs 8:34). Christ is telling us: "This is where I live and abide in person - someone who listens attentively to every word. Every day, my love is waiting at my door, only to receive a word from Me Anxiously awaiting my voice. It rejoices in what I say. "
as his wife respond to these words, saying:" My dove, you're in the crevices of rocks, hiding in the cliffs, show me your face, let me hear your voice because your voice is sweet, and your face is beautiful. "(Song of Solomon 2:14).
David was one of those believers who waited every day to receive the word of God and he rejoiced in that he had received. testimony:" I delight in thy statutes and do not forget your word. "(Psalm 119:16)." Your testimonies are my delight, they are my counselors. "(Psalm 119:24)." I'll find joy in your commands, because I love them. "(Psalm 119:47)." Let your compassion on me, and I will live: for thy law is my delight. "(Psalm 119:77). In Hebrew, the literal translation of the latter verse is: "I rejoice in thy word."
I would now like to focus on two phrases from the verse that we mentioned earlier, namely Proverbs 8:34: "who watches daily at my doors," and "ensure that the threshold of my house ". First question: what are referred to here the doors?
The psalmist tells us the answer:" Open the doors of justice, I will come there, and praise the Lord. "(Psalm 118:19). I think these" doors of Justice "is also the" narrow gate "of which Jesus speaks to us. Refer to anyone who day after day turns to God to learn His righteousness.
This type of believer is determined to walk straight to the Lord. It is excited at each revelation that puts him on the path of a holy journey. He says to himself: "I want truth in my inner man. I do not get just by listening to recorded sermons and reading books.'ll Wait patiently for the Lord, until it opens its doors for me."
faithful, the Holy Spirit of God comes to meet every day, these believers. It invites them, whispering, "Welcome, friends. Let me show you something new about the righteousness of God."
Second, what this means, "which monitors the threshold of my home? "This refers to any believer who trembles at God's word The phrase comes from Isaiah 6, when the prophet watched the threshold of the temple, longing to hear God's voice
While Isaiah was waiting, he heard the seraphim sing: "Holy, holy," the sky was full of their praises. Then suddenly, a powerful voice came out of the sky. This was loud and clear, shaking everything: "The doors were shaken from their foundations by the voice of their shouting, and the house was full of smoke "(Isaiah 6:4).
This loud voice shook up Isaiah on the insides. The urge to feel sinful to the point that he cried:" Woe to me, I am lost! Because I am a man of unclean lips "(Isaiah 6:5). The prophet heard God's voice trembled
Isaiah is an example of someone who "watches the threshold of my house." The believer longs to hear the word of God when the word is, he admits that he lost his soul. The word of God tells us of these people: "Here's who I'll lay eyes on: on the one who is humble, which has plagued the spirit and trembles at my word." (66:2).
We have already seen how Jesus rejoiced for us before the foundation of the world. He saw early in his coming to dwell in us electing her to stay. And he rejoiced in the knowledge that we would be close to him, forgetting all the others. We would like to see him every day and spend a good We would like to enjoy time with Him in His way, looking in his speech to the revelation of His righteousness. And tremble with the revelations that his word gives us.
How can your life be worthy of this description?
The Bible explicitly states what Jesus would expect to find in us, His abode. Then you meet his expectations? He planned to spend a lifetime with you. Your intimacy with Him is growing? Or do you have neglected for too many days?
Your fiance is thinking of holding you closer to Him He wants to open his heart to you, to have a more sweet friendship with you every day. Longing to show you many things, things that nobody else has ever seen. He wants shape your life, to grow the fruit of the Spirit in you. And he wants to take away your weaknesses, your fears, your feelings of inadequacy.
now you are the delight of your heart, your tears, your intimacy, your strict devotion. Your words to him should be those of a bride: "I like to sit in its shade, its fruit is sweet to my taste." (Song of Songs 2:3). "Let me hear your voice because your voice is sweet, and your face is beautiful." (2:14). The very thought
to this report, did rejoice Christ, long before the world was created. But now that the time has come to rejoice in this report, you're neglecting and ignoring the Lord. Find time to watch TV, go shopping, surf the internet, treat your garden - but do not have time for Jesus I ask you: do you think that He would dwell in the place where there is a bride who is bored of him? Why continue to live in someone who has no time to be with him, talking and listening?
This is a solemn warning: Jesus does not want to dwell on those who neglect and ignore. You could argue, "But I love my Lord. I have not treated with indifference." The fact is that if you have neglected prayer and His word for weeks - if you do not have a private, intimate relationship with him - you've just committed the act. It is as if you had said "my actions bear witness I do not feel passionate love for Jesus My family, career and my personal desires come first. "
careful not to be abandoned salt
The word of God clearly warns:" How shall we escape if we neglect so great salvation "(Hebrews 2:3). There is a big price to pay if ingore Christ. The Bible warns that if we neglect His gift of salvation we will be transformed into salt. Let me explain.
Ezekiel 47 tells of a river of life that flows from the throne of God This river is composed of holy water that heals. As it flows through the desert brings life to whatever it touches. It expands ever wider and deeper until you have enough water that we can swim in it.
"He said:" These waters make their way to the eastern region, will go down in the plains and enter the sea when they enter the sea, the waters of the Sea will be healed. Come to pass that every living thing that moves, wherever the rivers come, shall live, and there will be plenty of fish because these waters will come there, those of the sea will be healed, and everything will live wherever the river. "(Ezekiel 47: 8-9).
This river of life is the preaching of the Gospel. The good news of Christ begins as a drop of water, through the preaching of His twelve disciples. So the word is spreading. It was widely preached by the Apostle Paul, and later by those who were converted. Quickly spreads throughout the world. Today, thousands of thousands of servants of God preach his gospel throughout the earth. So now there are rivers where you can swim. "And everything will live wherever the river." (47:9).
This river is flowing from Calvary. Today millions of people who hear and receive the word of God are healed. The truth of Christ awakens them from neglect, laziness and apathy. Now their eyes are completely open and rejoice in Jesus seek Him every day, love His word, savoring the intimacy with Him in the Spirit are learning things that would not have thought of. The secrets are revealed God's heart - and they are healed.
What is happening to you? You're swimming in the waters of healing from God? Or are you allowing you to pass by without touching you? Beware of what happens in the plain where the waters do not flow: "But its swamps and lagoons will not be healed, will be abandoned to the salt." (Ezekiel 47:11).
Perhaps you are guilty of ignoring Jesus were you praying for a long time, disobedience, neglect of his word. Have you listened to sermons and convincing you let that awaken something inside you, but you have continually turned to your satisfaction. And now your negligence has become a way of life. In truth you have to bankrupt all the expectations that Jesus had for you.
What does it mean to be "abandoned to the salt," as Ezekiel? It means total sterility .... Fruitlessness, emptiness, barrenness, loneliness. Imagine the Dead Sea in Israel. It is a body of water totally saturated with salt. No fish could survive. No plant can grow inside or nearby. It is completely sterile.
you become like this kind of quagmire - an isolated, drained swamp? Your life is sterile or bear fruit to God? Your daily life is empty, barren, lonely? Perhaps you have been abandoned to the salt? Everything around you, others bear fruit and grow in Christ? They have been healed by God's holy water But you do not have any of their resources. You became a Christian in name only.
If this message was stirring up something in you or there is convincing of sin, I have good news for you:
It's never too late to start over. When the healing of God flows fiumedi, heals all diseases.
When the New Testament was written, the heavenly Father and His Son Christ antividero that many have overlooked. These people would grow warm or cold, and would eventually fall. So the Father and the Son did this deal: If he had lost some sheep astray, Jesus would have followed to bring her into his arms.
The truth is, humanity died can be brought to life by a fresh wave of healing waters. "These waters .... enter the sea when they enter the sea, the waters of the Sea will be healed" (Ezekiel 47:8). When the healing waters of God begin to flow, the plants begin to grow everywhere - a tuft of grass here, a small plant there. And soon an entire garden blooms.
Dear saint, God still wants you. And still has plans for you. In fact, your life can begin today. He promised to restore anything that has been devastated and ruined your life, no matter how long lasted your ruin. "We make good the years eaten by the cricket, the grasshopper, the caterpillar and the locust "(Joel 2:25).
can still be your dwelling - even learn his secrets and receive His revelation. This is the way to return to Him, admits having neglected. Admit that you were There is everything to him but not to confess that you have not heard when you called. "Awake, O sleeper, and arise from the dead, and Christ will flood of light" (Ephesians 5:14).
Cry out to Him now: "O God, heal me. It awakens my soul. Shake me from this slumber. I want to change. I know you did a job on me, Lord. I crave your touch again. "
Jeremiah shows us God's heart to a people who have neglected and forgotten," Return, O faithless Israel ... I'll show you a frowning face, for I am merciful, saith the Lord ... Only acknowledge your iniquity .... Return, O backsliding children, saith the LORD, for I am your Lord ... Return, backsliding children, I will heal your wanderings "(Jeremiah 3:12-14,22).
Isaiah adds this assurance:" For thus says the One who is the High, the Mighty, who lives forever, and is called the Holy One. "I dwell in the high and holy place, but I am close to those who are oppressed and humble spirit to revive the spirit of the humble, to revive the heart of the oppressed. For I do not want to contend for ever, nor keep anger for ever .. .. I will put praise on his lips. Peace, peace to those who are far away ... I will heal him "(Isaiah 57:15-19).
God is telling you:" My son, for a time I was angry with you. I allowed that there was in you more than empty and lonely. But now I'm going to restore everything the devil has destroyed. "
Your life can be a garden again. It is still not late to start over, let the Lord to establish this as the first day of a new beginning for you.
Any Christian knows that God does not dwell in temples made with hands. In fact, our Lord has chosen to live in human form - that is the heart and soul of his people. Whoever is in Christ is a temple of his body - his home, his permanent residence. Every believer can claim with confidence: "God lives in me."
God has no other physical residences - no nation, no capital (not Jerusalem), no peak of the mountain. He does not live in the clouds or in the sky, darkness or light, in the sun, moon or stars. No doubt the Lord is everywhere, His presence fills all things. But according to His word, God makes his people of his home. A heart cleansed by the blood of Jesus is his permanent residence.
But when God began to dwell in us? This was done since we have given our heart to Jesus at that moment the presence of Christ has filled our lives. But further, Jesus has brought us to the fullness of the Godhead: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. He testified: "On that day you shall know that I am in my Father .... If anyone loves me will keep my word and my Father will love him, and we will come to him and stayed with him." (John 14:20-23).
gloriously Proverbs 8 reveals the covenant between God and His Figlioloriguardante their abode in mankind
Long before the world was created, the Father Heaven and His son agreed that mankind was their home. They made a pact according to which Jesus would come to earth to live in the hearts and bodies of the people selected. Let's look through the Scriptures.
The apostle Paul refers to Christ as the One who has wisdom: "It is thanks to him are ye in Christ Jesus, who of God is made unto us wisdom, or righteousness and sanctification and redemption" (1 Corinthians 1: 30).
Proverbs 8 speaks to us with wisdom, in a way that can only be referred to Jesus in verse 30 Wisdom says: "I was with him as an artist, I was always exuberant joy day after day, I rejoiced in every time in his presence. " As do we know that this verse refers to Jesus? He only had the delight of the Father. God does not delight in the wisdom, but in His Son.
We know that Christ was with God before the earth was created: "The Lord was with him at the beginning of his actions before making any of his older works. I was determined from eternity, from the beginning, before the earth was. " (Proverbs 8:22-23). You can imagine his pleasure each other is by the Father and the Son? They were together in the glory of heaven, in perfect happiness.
Remember this was before Jesus knew something of human sorrow. Had not yet entered a body of flesh, with all its burden and its evidence. Had not yet been touched by any human illness - was rejected, despised, mocked, spat upon, oppressed by human sin. It still had to go on the cross. He had yet to experience the Just Heavenly Father, who hid his face from him and had not yet tasted death.
At this point you enter the floor of the New Covenant. In this, God - he created man so that he could have free will - he saw that sinful man needed a redeemer. So the Father asked his Son to mediate in the New Covenant. The Lord asked: "Would you take a human body and become the sacrifice that redeems all of humanity? You take upon yourself all their sins, to remove the law that the evil has gained over their lives? "
Jesus fully understood the dreadful prospect. Antiveduto the beatings, the crown of thorns, the hatred and rejection of God's people and he saw the cross that was raised for him But Scripture says that Jesus was happy to give His life for us. He calculated the cost and said, "My God, I want to do your will, your law is within my heart" (Psalm 40 : 8).
The Son also spoke these incredible words: "I rejoice in the habitable part of his land, I found my joy of the sons of men" (Proverbs 8:31). Do you realize what Christ is saying? Among all the wonderful galaxies not yet discovered by man, of all the planets without number, God chose to dwell on this small sphere called earth. And the man has chosen as the place where he wishes to live. We were the "habitable part of his land."
This is the key to my message: Jesus knew that he would no longer enjoyed the blessed communion he had with the Father. But he was delighted at the prospect of coming to live in us: "I found my joy of the sons of men" (Proverbs 8:31). He was saying, "I'm going to bring people into my heart. And I'm going to be one with them, to enjoy their friendship." He was delighted at the thought of sweet communion with us!
Why Jesus rejoiced at the prospect uomodivenisse that a temple in which he could dwell?
I believe in the absolute foreknowledge of God, and believe that our Lord knew, long before we esistessimo, than any of us were ready to accept the gospel. Now, I do not think a limited reconciliation, God has not chosen to give some people and save more. Jesus died for everyone and anyone who comes to Him can be saved. Our Lord is not willing that any should perish (John 3:15-17, 2 Peter 3:9). But if he foreknows our names, he also knew if we would accept or reject His sacrifice.
Being intimately in touch with God, Christ shared this foreknowledge. And I think he saw in advance any person who had received as King and Lord in his heart. He knew each of us, whether we live in China, Russia, America, the African nations or any other nation. And he rejoiced at the prospect of coming to dwell in us.
you remember the day when you were saved? You can relive the feelings you have experienced - the promises you made to Jesus, promising to forgive others and follow him? Jesus saw it happen, eons before eternity - and he was delighted in you. He knew that you would have received, long before you were formed in your mother's womb.
David wrote: "Yes, thou hast taken from the womb, have made me confident repose on the breasts of my mother. I was entrusted to you from my birth, you are my God from my mother's womb. "(Psalm 22:9-10)." Your eyes saw my unformed body mass and in thy book were all written the days that I had for, when none of them was born yet. "(Psalm 139:16).
When you were not even a seed, God was taking note of all the members of your body in your book. He knew everything about you. And His Son, Jesus, was delighted to know that you'd grow to be his abode.
I offer three reasons why Jesus èdeliziato you to be His abode
1. Jesus rejoiced over you as your husband. looking forward to have intimacy and communion with his wife.
The Bible offers descriptions of many Our identity in Christ. We are called His body, His sheep, virgins, IGLI, servants, friends. But the most intimate of all these descriptions is this: we are the bride of Christ. "As the bride is the joy of the bridegroom, so you will be the joy of your God" (Isaiah 62:5).
If you are married, remember the time when you and your loved one you were engaged. Forget your head for one another. And count the days that separate you from being one flesh, in a perfect union with your spouse.
So is Jesus He could not wait to be with you, he agreed to leave the perfect communion he had with his father. Looked to the day when you finally'd be his bride. And his eyes would be a marriage of love. He was the apple of your eye, and you'd be all for him this was the reason for his joy.
Your fiance foretaste of the time when you go to him every day in the Closet, rejoicing in Him can spend hours together - cut off from the world, sharing your love, rejoicing in the sweet communion. And he will be happy to give her care, rejoicing with you, "He will rejoice with great joy because of you, you acqueterà in his love, rejoice, for your sake, with shouts of joy" (Zephaniah 3:17).
Now think back to the time when you have loved for the first time Jesus seek Him with all your heart. You were excited to go to the house of God to love him and worship him.
In the eyes of Jesus, every day spent with you is like a wedding day. He said: "This is where I will build my house. I will dwell in anyone wants me more than any manufacturer in the world."
My wife Gwen and I have had this kind of love in our marriage. If we were away for only four hours, we ended up calling us at least three times a day. This lasted for fifty years of marriage. Can you imagine what kind of love Jesus expects to have with you?
2. Jesus rejoices at the thought of sharing with you their innermost secrets.
One of the greatest expressions of true love is to share more intimate secrets with the person you love - things that no one else can know. Like any groom, Christ foretold that he share his secrets with you. It has already anticipate that you want to share the secrets of your heart with Him
This is what lovers do, even in a normal sexual relations. Although Samson had a carnal pleasure to Delilah, do not hide anything (see Judges 16:4). Her love for her, convinced him to reveal the secret of his strength - cost him his life.
Welcoming you Jesus that you would not be looking forward only his wife but also your best friend. He will foresee in your secret closet and pray, completely devoted to Him and rejoicing the thought of opening his word to you, revealing things that other believers can not see or hear. "... I have called you friends, because I have made known all the things I heard from my Father." (John 15:15).
He planned to share with you the hidden secrets of his divine nature. His word says, "but his friendship is for good men." (Proverbs 3:32). And yet the Lord does not make any of his greatest works without first saying to those who love Him. Amos writes: "Surely the Lord GOD does nothing without revealing his secret unto his servants the prophets." (Amos 3:7).
Jesus wants to tell the intimate revelations of the mind of God: what they want to achieve, in the world and in your life ... the magnificence of the New Covenant and His holy name ... the beauty of His sacrifice. Later he foretaste of the fact that you want to share with him your every need and problem, injury and defeat, hope and desire, dream and nightmare. He would be the one on which lighten your heart.
3. Jesus rejoiced in the fact that your wife would delight in His Word.
"Blessed is the man who hears me, who watches daily at my doors, which monitors the threshold of my house!" (Proverbs 8:34). Christ is telling us: "This is where I live and abide in person - someone who listens attentively to every word. Every day, my love is waiting at my door, only to receive a word from Me Anxiously awaiting my voice. It rejoices in what I say. "
as his wife respond to these words, saying:" My dove, you're in the crevices of rocks, hiding in the cliffs, show me your face, let me hear your voice because your voice is sweet, and your face is beautiful. "(Song of Solomon 2:14).
David was one of those believers who waited every day to receive the word of God and he rejoiced in that he had received. testimony:" I delight in thy statutes and do not forget your word. "(Psalm 119:16)." Your testimonies are my delight, they are my counselors. "(Psalm 119:24)." I'll find joy in your commands, because I love them. "(Psalm 119:47)." Let your compassion on me, and I will live: for thy law is my delight. "(Psalm 119:77). In Hebrew, the literal translation of the latter verse is: "I rejoice in thy word."
I would now like to focus on two phrases from the verse that we mentioned earlier, namely Proverbs 8:34: "who watches daily at my doors," and "ensure that the threshold of my house ". First question: what are referred to here the doors?
The psalmist tells us the answer:" Open the doors of justice, I will come there, and praise the Lord. "(Psalm 118:19). I think these" doors of Justice "is also the" narrow gate "of which Jesus speaks to us. Refer to anyone who day after day turns to God to learn His righteousness.
This type of believer is determined to walk straight to the Lord. It is excited at each revelation that puts him on the path of a holy journey. He says to himself: "I want truth in my inner man. I do not get just by listening to recorded sermons and reading books.'ll Wait patiently for the Lord, until it opens its doors for me."
faithful, the Holy Spirit of God comes to meet every day, these believers. It invites them, whispering, "Welcome, friends. Let me show you something new about the righteousness of God."
Second, what this means, "which monitors the threshold of my home? "This refers to any believer who trembles at God's word The phrase comes from Isaiah 6, when the prophet watched the threshold of the temple, longing to hear God's voice
While Isaiah was waiting, he heard the seraphim sing: "Holy, holy," the sky was full of their praises. Then suddenly, a powerful voice came out of the sky. This was loud and clear, shaking everything: "The doors were shaken from their foundations by the voice of their shouting, and the house was full of smoke "(Isaiah 6:4).
This loud voice shook up Isaiah on the insides. The urge to feel sinful to the point that he cried:" Woe to me, I am lost! Because I am a man of unclean lips "(Isaiah 6:5). The prophet heard God's voice trembled
Isaiah is an example of someone who "watches the threshold of my house." The believer longs to hear the word of God when the word is, he admits that he lost his soul. The word of God tells us of these people: "Here's who I'll lay eyes on: on the one who is humble, which has plagued the spirit and trembles at my word." (66:2).
We have already seen how Jesus rejoiced for us before the foundation of the world. He saw early in his coming to dwell in us electing her to stay. And he rejoiced in the knowledge that we would be close to him, forgetting all the others. We would like to see him every day and spend a good We would like to enjoy time with Him in His way, looking in his speech to the revelation of His righteousness. And tremble with the revelations that his word gives us.
How can your life be worthy of this description?
The Bible explicitly states what Jesus would expect to find in us, His abode. Then you meet his expectations? He planned to spend a lifetime with you. Your intimacy with Him is growing? Or do you have neglected for too many days?
Your fiance is thinking of holding you closer to Him He wants to open his heart to you, to have a more sweet friendship with you every day. Longing to show you many things, things that nobody else has ever seen. He wants shape your life, to grow the fruit of the Spirit in you. And he wants to take away your weaknesses, your fears, your feelings of inadequacy.
now you are the delight of your heart, your tears, your intimacy, your strict devotion. Your words to him should be those of a bride: "I like to sit in its shade, its fruit is sweet to my taste." (Song of Songs 2:3). "Let me hear your voice because your voice is sweet, and your face is beautiful." (2:14). The very thought
to this report, did rejoice Christ, long before the world was created. But now that the time has come to rejoice in this report, you're neglecting and ignoring the Lord. Find time to watch TV, go shopping, surf the internet, treat your garden - but do not have time for Jesus I ask you: do you think that He would dwell in the place where there is a bride who is bored of him? Why continue to live in someone who has no time to be with him, talking and listening?
This is a solemn warning: Jesus does not want to dwell on those who neglect and ignore. You could argue, "But I love my Lord. I have not treated with indifference." The fact is that if you have neglected prayer and His word for weeks - if you do not have a private, intimate relationship with him - you've just committed the act. It is as if you had said "my actions bear witness I do not feel passionate love for Jesus My family, career and my personal desires come first. "
careful not to be abandoned salt
The word of God clearly warns:" How shall we escape if we neglect so great salvation "(Hebrews 2:3). There is a big price to pay if ingore Christ. The Bible warns that if we neglect His gift of salvation we will be transformed into salt. Let me explain.
Ezekiel 47 tells of a river of life that flows from the throne of God This river is composed of holy water that heals. As it flows through the desert brings life to whatever it touches. It expands ever wider and deeper until you have enough water that we can swim in it.
"He said:" These waters make their way to the eastern region, will go down in the plains and enter the sea when they enter the sea, the waters of the Sea will be healed. Come to pass that every living thing that moves, wherever the rivers come, shall live, and there will be plenty of fish because these waters will come there, those of the sea will be healed, and everything will live wherever the river. "(Ezekiel 47: 8-9).
This river of life is the preaching of the Gospel. The good news of Christ begins as a drop of water, through the preaching of His twelve disciples. So the word is spreading. It was widely preached by the Apostle Paul, and later by those who were converted. Quickly spreads throughout the world. Today, thousands of thousands of servants of God preach his gospel throughout the earth. So now there are rivers where you can swim. "And everything will live wherever the river." (47:9).
This river is flowing from Calvary. Today millions of people who hear and receive the word of God are healed. The truth of Christ awakens them from neglect, laziness and apathy. Now their eyes are completely open and rejoice in Jesus seek Him every day, love His word, savoring the intimacy with Him in the Spirit are learning things that would not have thought of. The secrets are revealed God's heart - and they are healed.
What is happening to you? You're swimming in the waters of healing from God? Or are you allowing you to pass by without touching you? Beware of what happens in the plain where the waters do not flow: "But its swamps and lagoons will not be healed, will be abandoned to the salt." (Ezekiel 47:11).
Perhaps you are guilty of ignoring Jesus were you praying for a long time, disobedience, neglect of his word. Have you listened to sermons and convincing you let that awaken something inside you, but you have continually turned to your satisfaction. And now your negligence has become a way of life. In truth you have to bankrupt all the expectations that Jesus had for you.
What does it mean to be "abandoned to the salt," as Ezekiel? It means total sterility .... Fruitlessness, emptiness, barrenness, loneliness. Imagine the Dead Sea in Israel. It is a body of water totally saturated with salt. No fish could survive. No plant can grow inside or nearby. It is completely sterile.
you become like this kind of quagmire - an isolated, drained swamp? Your life is sterile or bear fruit to God? Your daily life is empty, barren, lonely? Perhaps you have been abandoned to the salt? Everything around you, others bear fruit and grow in Christ? They have been healed by God's holy water But you do not have any of their resources. You became a Christian in name only.
If this message was stirring up something in you or there is convincing of sin, I have good news for you:
It's never too late to start over. When the healing of God flows fiumedi, heals all diseases.
When the New Testament was written, the heavenly Father and His Son Christ antividero that many have overlooked. These people would grow warm or cold, and would eventually fall. So the Father and the Son did this deal: If he had lost some sheep astray, Jesus would have followed to bring her into his arms.
The truth is, humanity died can be brought to life by a fresh wave of healing waters. "These waters .... enter the sea when they enter the sea, the waters of the Sea will be healed" (Ezekiel 47:8). When the healing waters of God begin to flow, the plants begin to grow everywhere - a tuft of grass here, a small plant there. And soon an entire garden blooms.
Dear saint, God still wants you. And still has plans for you. In fact, your life can begin today. He promised to restore anything that has been devastated and ruined your life, no matter how long lasted your ruin. "We make good the years eaten by the cricket, the grasshopper, the caterpillar and the locust "(Joel 2:25).
can still be your dwelling - even learn his secrets and receive His revelation. This is the way to return to Him, admits having neglected. Admit that you were There is everything to him but not to confess that you have not heard when you called. "Awake, O sleeper, and arise from the dead, and Christ will flood of light" (Ephesians 5:14).
Cry out to Him now: "O God, heal me. It awakens my soul. Shake me from this slumber. I want to change. I know you did a job on me, Lord. I crave your touch again. "
Jeremiah shows us God's heart to a people who have neglected and forgotten," Return, O faithless Israel ... I'll show you a frowning face, for I am merciful, saith the Lord ... Only acknowledge your iniquity .... Return, O backsliding children, saith the LORD, for I am your Lord ... Return, backsliding children, I will heal your wanderings "(Jeremiah 3:12-14,22).
Isaiah adds this assurance:" For thus says the One who is the High, the Mighty, who lives forever, and is called the Holy One. "I dwell in the high and holy place, but I am close to those who are oppressed and humble spirit to revive the spirit of the humble, to revive the heart of the oppressed. For I do not want to contend for ever, nor keep anger for ever .. .. I will put praise on his lips. Peace, peace to those who are far away ... I will heal him "(Isaiah 57:15-19).
God is telling you:" My son, for a time I was angry with you. I allowed that there was in you more than empty and lonely. But now I'm going to restore everything the devil has destroyed. "
Your life can be a garden again. It is still not late to start over, let the Lord to establish this as the first day of a new beginning for you.
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