Monday, June 9, 2008

Darmowetapetyi Dzwonki ,na

the growing desire to contemplate God

Gregory of Nyssa, Commentary on the Song of Songs, 11

Suppose that someone had found near the spring that gushed from the earth in the beginning, according to Scripture, gave rise to a river so large as to surround the whole earth. Well, this man, to see the extraordinary amount of water continually arise from that source, however, had claimed to have seen throughout the water that there was: how, in fact, could never see what is hidden in the bowels of earth? Even if they had to spend time at the source, was always as if he had taken in the `moment to contemplate what the water. This latter fact, it `s never stops: flows incessantly, as if, at any time, begins to emerge.
Similarly, even one who looks toward the infinite beauty of God, you wonder what that continually appears and never fails to desire to contemplate, because what is being discovered from time to time is as much new and extraordinary for what is already understood: what is expected, in fact, become more divine and magnificent of what you already have under the eyes.


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