This is the first of two lessons in this Christian prophetess. His scholarly and spiritual analysis will, I am sure, an intense relief and a renewed dedication to all those who have been anointed by the Lord for the new construction joins the mystical Adoration of the tabernacle of David Yeshua in the living! Good meditation!
This is one of two messages that were given in a seminar "Aglow", in August 1996. They were then published and disseminated.
you realize that in 1995 the people of Israel, and those who love God's Word and the Word of God, celebrated the anniversary of 3,000 years since the founding of the city of Jerusalem part of King David?
E 'was a special moment for this chapter to the Lord. The enemy had come like a fury against us because he knew that what took place caused him great fear. He does not want you to learn these things and, above all, and that puts them into practice.
The task of the latter-day prophets is to say, "Repent, for the Lord's Day is coming!" And to proclaim the coming of the Lord as the Lion of the tribe of Judah and the Lamb as the Bridegroom.
The task of the apostles of the last days is to drive the body of Christ (the Messiah) to have an intimacy with our Bridegroom, and also to restore ancient ruins.
The Tabernacle of David is a part of this work of restoration.
Certainly, the restoration of the Tabernacle of David is an incredibly huge part of God's plan to make us share the foundation of His Kingdom.
Through the restoration of the Tabernacle of David will take home the apostolic spirit so that we can enter new territories, break down strongholds, select, train and bring out new leaders ready for their tasks and with the proper rites, and so establish the kingdom of God in all the earth.
This important restoration will not happen just in two or three days during a meeting of worship. Will not take place even in the space of a couple of years. The foundation of this shrine are placed in these days and others that have already been designated for worship, but the whole work will take many years.
In the world of natural gifts and religiosity, be open and ready to learn. May the Lord bless you greatly for choosing to come closer to God and spend time in praise and worship.
By the time I was preparing for this presentation, the Lord gave me one word:
The Lord wants to tell you: "Arise, my daughters, get up, My children! Wake up from your slumber and seek my face, because now, right now I am going to rule the earth, and to look upon you, My children. Get up, stand up and shine, My daughters, get up and shine, My children, for I the Lord God of Israel came as the refiner's fire, and like the dyer's soap. I'll burn your waste with My glory. I consume your darkness. I will transform you in the likeness of My Son. I will restore your judges as I promised, and after you've spent your labor, after you have repented, will be called the city of righteousness, the faithful city. Rise and shine, because your light is coming, He is coming. As you can see that the darkness is covering the earth and thick darkness the peoples, but the Lord will rise upon you, on those who seek me in adoration, in prayer, fasting, and My glory will be upon you!
Isaiah is a very important book for the last few days and if you know it, along with other books of the prophets, able to see that the word I received is an update of some of the things that the Lord has said then.
What happened at Azusa Street at the beginning of the century has revolutionized the world. From quell'effusione, the baptism of the Holy Spirit (Ruach Kodesh has) has spread throughout the land. What is coming will eclipse what happened at Azusa Street.
A day of worship at Azusa Street in the morning and could begin to arrive until after midnight. The worship in the form of singing and clapping hands could last from 15 minutes to 2 hours. Sometimes it was as if the assembled crowd had forgotten how to sing in English, additional languages \u200b\u200band wonderful harmonies flowed simply from their voices. Azusa St. is considered the event in history that has been manifested the greatest outpouring of the Holy Spirit and yet we know that the Lord has kept the best wine for last. Are you thirsty?
go back and review: How
was established the Tabernacle of David
The relevant chapters can be found in I Samuel 4-7 and I Chronicles 13.
After the Israelites conquered Canaan, the Ark of the Covenant, that was the place of God's presence, was placed in the Tabernacle of Moses at Shiloh. During the spiritual decline of priesthood of Eli and his sons, the Ark was captured by the Philistines (I Sam. 4:10-11, 22).
the Philistines returned the Ark to Israel after God struck them with sores because of the Ark (I Sam. 5; 6:1-18). The men of Beth Shemesh received the Ark by the Philistines, but God also hit them with a plague because they looked inside (I Sam. 6:19-20). The city of Kirjathjearim then received the ark. It remained in the house
Abinadab for twenty years, because Saul had never been interested in it! (I Sam. 7:1-2; I Chron. 13:3, I Sam. 6:7-12)
When David became king, and all Israel brought the Ark to Jerusalem, but God judged them for having unlawfully transported on a wagon (in the way she had come from the Philistines). In His Word the Lord had instructed the Levites to carry the Ark on the poles.
During this journey to Jerusalem is the place chosen by God, the wagon struck a stone and began to capsize, so that Uzza, leaped to stop it, touch it. The Lord instantly struck Uzza making die for having disobeyed his orders. David was angry with the Lord and he was afraid of him leave the ark in the house of Obed-Edom, and the man and his family were greatly blessed. (I Chron. 13:6-14).
David came home and fell on their faces in prayer and intense search for God in the Word learning, so the right method to transport the ark.
After David sought the Lord with all his heart, he was given a revelation of the importance of worship in heaven and a key to winning battles in recent days.
Revelation 19:4 "And the four and twenty elders and the four living creatures they fell down and worshiped God who sits on the throne, saying, Amen! Alleluia! "The next
in heaven is the perpetual adoration, and it will be restored before his return.
Revelation 4:8 "And the four living creatures each having six wings, were full of eyes around and within, and never stop, day and night, saying, Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord God Almighty, who was, is and who is coming. "
After seeing the worship of heaven, David and all Israel brought the Ark of the Tabernacle of Zion in Jerusalem that David had built intentionally. (I Chron. Num. 15:11-18 4:15) Then David laid aside his royal robes, and made a strange thing, danced before the Ark in the linen garments of a priest, as we must do today and in the days ahead. Selah, meditate on this.
What is Zion? "Zion, Jewish-yon - a permanent capital, considerable, a monumental or guiding pillar. SWN is derived from the root meaning to protect, defend, hence the name took the meaning of a place of defense or a fortress. It 'called the City of David. In Hebrew the phrase "... they will wait for the service of the tabernacle ..." means "fighting the war of the tabernacle!"
The Lord is preparing a mighty army of warriors. Many will be assigned to Jerusalem. Zion is where the battle will be fought at the end of this age, it is the dwelling place of God His name is Emmanuel, God is with us! Baruch HaShem!
Because of the revelation that God gave to David, he made many new things in restoring the tabernacle for the ark. The Lord led David to establish a second tabernacle. David placed the Ark in A new tabernacle instead of storing it in the tabernacle of Moses, where it originates. (I Chron. 16:1)
He also gave instructions to David for a new place to accommodate this new tabernacle.
The Tabernacle of Moses was in Gibeon, a place in the hills several miles north of Jerusalem.
David built his tabernacle, in Sion, the city of David next to Jerusalem. The site of Zion was thereafter referred to as the place of God's presence and place of worship. The Lord led David
also order a new priesthood (Leviticus not prescribed in the books of Moses) to minister in worship and praise before the Lord and that moved prophetically by the Spirit of God (Ruach Kodesh has).
A ministry guided by the spirit! (I Chron. 16:1, 4-7)
Since God led His people in all this, there was a new boldness in the presence of God Since David was introduced to his presence and had been given a revelation of what Jesus would accomplish by His death, the torn curtain, was instructed to administer the priesthood of Zion "before the Ark", something forbidden under the Law of Moses. (I Chron. 16:4)
King David established a completely new order of worship with the ordination of a new priesthood of singers and musicians who adored and glorified the Lord continually before the ark. (I Chronicles 15 and 16) led to intensified
Quest'adorazione composition of new songs, prophetic songs. One of the main words in Hebrew for "song" is "Massah".
This word has three meanings: a song
weight (prophetic) that will be raised;
raising the ark. The priesthood of Zion
learned to go before the Lord's presence not by animal sacrifices, but with singing and musical composition, under the anointing of God.
(Psalm 100, Hebrews 13:15, Psalm 50:8-14, 51:15-17)
New Tabernacle of David was built while at the same time the most traditional ceremonies and rituals were observed in the Tabernacle of Moses at Gibeon, north of Zion. (I Chron. 16:37-39)
priests in the Tabernacle of Moses could never go past the curtain and enter the Blessed Sacrament where he was the Ark of the Covenant, but they had to implement their ceremonial rituals outside. To make this situation worse, during the ministry of Samuel, was the capture of the Ark of the Covenant by the Philistines, and his return was never recovered from King Saul in the Blessed Sacrament, so during the reign of Saul is that of David, the Levitical priesthood, the Tabernacle of Moses He performed the rituals behind the curtain of the ark. The Holy of Holies was empty! A type of services
Judeo-Christian empty without the presence of the Lord!
services in the Tabernacle of David were marked by hand, rejoice in the dance, clap their hands with joy, with cries of joy, adoration with the tools and the new songs prophesy of the Lord: A "Azusa Street" of those times.
services in the Tabernacle of Moses continued to perform animal sacrifices, lighting of candles, incense, presentation of the bread, etc..; All important symbol. During the reign of King David, God spoke prophetically
saying that he had abandoned the etiquette of the Tabernacle of Moses, choosing instead to praise and prophetic worship of the Tabernacle of David on Mount Zion. (Salmo 78:60, 68)
God was so pleased by the love and adoration of David that the Shekinah (Glory of God) was now placed on the Tabernacle of David in Zion, where was placed the Ark of the Covenant.
David still had to keep the use of animal sacrifices ordained by Moses at Gibeon, as the final sacrifice of the Messiah had not yet been offered.
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