Augustine, Commentary on the Gospel of St. John, 6.2
The Holy Spirit groans within us, because it makes us groan. It is not a trivial matter that the Spirit teaches us to moan: we understand well that we are pilgrims, teaches us to sigh to the homeland, and this desire makes us groan. However, anyone who is good in this world, or rather thinks otherwise fit well, who rejoices in the things of the flesh and in `abundance of worldly goods, and false happiness, he has the voice a crow and the crow caws, not groan. But those who know the overwhelming weight of the mortal nature and wandering away from the Lord knows and does not yet possess the eternal bliss that is promised (has it with hope, but it `s really when the Lord will, after his coming in a hidden dell `humility, comes in light of his glory), who knows all this moaning. And until this moans, groans holiness is the Spirit who teaches him to moan, Colombia has learned to moan. Why are so many, in fact, groan because of `misery on earth, because shaken by misfortune, or severe than any of the diseases, because it closed in prison, or engrossed in chains or tossed by the waves of the sea, surrounded by the envy of their enemies, moaning. But do not whine, they say, with the wail of the dove, do not cry for God's sake, do not groan in the Spirit. So, just freed from all these tribulations, nothing will be louder in their joy, let see that they are crows, doves do not.
The Holy Spirit groans within us, because it makes us groan. It is not a trivial matter that the Spirit teaches us to moan: we understand well that we are pilgrims, teaches us to sigh to the homeland, and this desire makes us groan. However, anyone who is good in this world, or rather thinks otherwise fit well, who rejoices in the things of the flesh and in `abundance of worldly goods, and false happiness, he has the voice a crow and the crow caws, not groan. But those who know the overwhelming weight of the mortal nature and wandering away from the Lord knows and does not yet possess the eternal bliss that is promised (has it with hope, but it `s really when the Lord will, after his coming in a hidden dell `humility, comes in light of his glory), who knows all this moaning. And until this moans, groans holiness is the Spirit who teaches him to moan, Colombia has learned to moan. Why are so many, in fact, groan because of `misery on earth, because shaken by misfortune, or severe than any of the diseases, because it closed in prison, or engrossed in chains or tossed by the waves of the sea, surrounded by the envy of their enemies, moaning. But do not whine, they say, with the wail of the dove, do not cry for God's sake, do not groan in the Spirit. So, just freed from all these tribulations, nothing will be louder in their joy, let see that they are crows, doves do not.
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