Brothers, I found this "pearl" and let me tell you that in my great ignorance and little experience I have never read and never heard no discern the theme of contemplation and poetry, sweetness, timeliness and the strength of Anthony of Padua. Let me advise you to read slower and more sober than usual, like a meditation, this is to absorb the beauty and depth, also I am sure you will find it very useful to your life of worship! Joshua
The man who lives an active life along the paths of the world in search of help to the needy, such as fish runs through the streets of the sea. The contemplative and rather resembles the bird is lifted on the wings of prayer ... and that way the bird from the breast more difficult to cleave off the air instead of the bird that has the thin and narrow chest, the soul of contemplative who is distracted and expands into many thoughts delays your flight, but one that in its flight, centered in one point of his efforts, rises with momentum toward the sky and is filled with the joy of contemplation.
The sweetness of the contemplative life is more precious than all the works, and everything you could want can not be compared to this one. The sweetness of the contemplative life keeps the soul in the grace of youth. Hence it is written, your youth is renewed like the eagle.
The contemplative life, which consists in contrition of soul, is placed in opposition to working life because, through prayer, repentance with tears, temper the fervor of the work, the heat of temptation, which must win with the 'humility of heart.
The spiritual man, away from the care of temporal things, restlessness of worldly thoughts, and entering the sanctuary of conscience, closed the door of the five senses, rests with the wisdom, lost to divine contemplation, in which to enjoy the quiet in the heavenly sweetness. As the conversation of the wise is not bitterness, that the pleasure of sin, it provides no poison on the palate that is approaching, and your meal does not produce boredom. Enjoy the delights of the spirit always increase the desire to enjoy them and love them, finding in them joy and pleasure.
Our conversation is in heaven, "says the apostle. Please note that the apostle says not in heaven, but in heaven. These are three heavens: the subtle speculations of truth, love of justice, the fullness of eternal bliss. If you circonfulge the light of truth, you're in the highest heaven, and if you ignite the flame of love, you're in second, if you try to taste the sweetness of the interior, you are admitted to the third. This taste is the union of the bride with the groom, the soul is with God
The contemplative man, when he was attracted by the higher things, does not know which path to follow, because the contemplation of arbitrariness is not contemplative, but in the will of him who is covered, which gives sweetness to those who want, and how he wants when he wants.
Will you always have God in your mind? Have you ever before thee: where is the eye there is the mind. Please Always an eye on you. I propose, therefore, three things: eye, mind you. God is in your mind, mind, eyes, eyes on you. If so, keep your eyes on you, you have God in you. You always want to feel God in your mind? Preserved which he created you. Not wanting to go in search of another different from you. Do not want to turn you from what God made you. Love yourself as you did the one who loved you. Hated by whom you transformed yourself. Support your top, tramples the bottom!
Who wants to get a flight to heaven is preparing well: detachment, first, his mind from the ground, then takes her body in distress, then you begin to pray constantly and shed tears of repentance, since prayer soothes God, tear him to give what she asks.
The Lord loves rest in a humble soul, which rises from earthly things in a contemplation of eternal things. Then the locations of the five senses are full of divine majesty, the man rest in peace when the Lord in his mind. When the Lord has in mind, our players know God as they are steps of humility as they build next.
The saints are like birds: they hover in the air on the wings of contemplation. They are, thus, alienated from the world, in such a way that does not bother most of the earth, no rush for more things time, but live only of heavenly things. In turbid water and agitated
no longer able to see the face of whoever is reflected. If you want your heart in the face of Christ appears you're watching, gathers in silence, like the apostles in the Cenacle, close the doors of the soul to the tumult of outward things. When you
you spend on the next, go ahead of all breath, but when you turn up the ghost, retired from, your creatures to fly with him at liberty. Lay down, praying, thinking of offices and services which have given or are about to give to others, because these images, that usually occur during the prayer, the very obstacles.
Discretion is needed in contemplation, we do not want to taste the heavenly wisdom more than is necessary ... Both, therefore, discretion as a sentinel of faith between the eye and the taste of contemplation, so that the face of our soul shine like the sun ... so that what is believed to be manifested by faith with works, and to discern the good from within, by virtue of the discretion is expressed in the purity of the work, and what is eaten in the contemplation of God is full of posters fervor, love of neighbor, and so our faces will shine like the sun.
As the mother wanting to stand his little baby, grease the chest of absinthe, and those looking sweet, is the bitter, so it is removed from its sweet food, so the Holy Spirit spreads tribulations of the sweetness of His grace that man should not be the sweet affections more than the bitterness, but to go in just try this cake that is true, because it lasts forever.
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