Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Silver Cinemamacomb Mall


The song and music for worship
The music is not:
One way to gather people to worship before, so stop talking. One
gaps between the different parts worship
One way to stretch your legs, when you sing standing, stretch your legs and arms after a boring lecture. One way to
interested and entertain young people, who otherwise would not be even in the Church. The music is
a language that God chose and encouraged to communicate with the human heart, see Psalms 33:1, 92:1, 147:1, and above all, Psalm 22:3, where it says that God dwells in the praises of His people. For those who doubt that the word "praise" does not mean the music, it is noted that the word used in tehillal 33, 147 and 22 means "Psalm or hymn of praise," and the one used in 92, ZAMAR, and the verb "to give praise, sing praises" A language that
speaks to all three spheres of human body, mind and spirit. As it happens, the music is often divided into rhythm, melody and harmony;
A language, prophetic, because it has the ability, as the prophecy (I Co.14: 3), to "edify, exhort and comfort" but not Random Asaph, Heman and Jeduthun were prophets, also called "seers of the king, and the three executives were appointed by David to praise everything about the temple (1 Chr. 15:16 et seq.) building, because there is a role in music education, for example, that Luther was able to use very well in the early years of the Reformation, or that we see in the texts of the Gospel, who were true to a sung sermons people who could not read; urge, when there is a clear reference in the text to go forward in spiritual battles and trials, the console when a song known to heal the wounds of the heart using the Word of God (so we're not just talking about music, but music related closely to a text: the music "uses the word" like God "uses the word" to create and save) a good group of praise leads the congregation somewhere, that obeys to "what Spirit is saying to the Church "(Revelation 3:6).
A language of the divine character, because the music was already with God when He created the universe (Job 38:7), in season and out of time (see for example the birth of Jesus in time, Luke 2:13, and out of time when the Lamb seated on the throne, Apoc. 5:8-9).
The curious role of Lucifer
When God created Lucifer (this is interpreted by many scholars who rely on the text of Isaiah 14:9-15 and Ezekiel 28:11-19), puts at your service "and flutes drums ", I repeat, at your service, so God gives Lucifer the role of" manager of praise and worship. " What happens when Lucifer fell, dragging one third of the angels? That the post remains vacant manager's praise: we can imagine that in heaven, for a time, there was silence ... and here is part of the Church, that is us. The Church takes the place Lucifer, and this becomes a public spectacle in front of principalities and mayor, and the angels perplexed, that "would look into this situation" can not understand (1 Pet. 1:12). From the dust, God takes a people who praise, He who "calls things that are not" and makes them be! (Psalm 102:18-22 and Isaiah 43:21). And this creation is made from the mud of the earth "in the dust" to Satan (Genesis 3:14, Isaiah 65:25). Do you understand now the role of music? God wants us to be His people in the music. It 'a language that God chose, and that He wants us to use.
awareness of our role
One of the larger machinations of Satan has been the search for to take away the joy from the people of God He does this with David when he danced before the ark of the covenant, it does so in persecution and deportation, where the misery Taking the place of joy (Psalm 137). He does so even now, when he tries to convince us to remain at the "old model" for many reasons:
Tradition: "you are always singing these songs, why abandon them?" (Sing to the Lord a new song - Psalm 98:1 ...)
Properties: "God does not look to the skill, but at heart, you need not be too involved? Mica we presumptuous?" (Played masterfully with joy - Psalm 33:3)
Fear of scandal: "there is no need to do this din ... Lord it's not deaf! "(forgetting that the word Hallal, which is" alleluia "means" to make noise festive, "and that in the First Chronicles 15:16 David ordered the Levites musicians to" play in a vigorous "See also Psalm 95:1, 100, 118:15)
But then, what is the right attitude to sing to God? Keep up, because this is strong!
Make this your reality, and how the Lord singing now? his face mogia mogia? If we were condemned to death and we have been released already this would be enough to sing with joy and scream, but ... we have been made priests and kings! Who can stop you now? How to sing from now on? Here is the awareness of our role in music when we buy this, our whole attitude toward the song changes, and also the results of our worship, when we learn to praise and worship, we see "the face of God"! (Psalm 89:15 "Blessed is the people that knows the cry of joy, and shall walk, O Lord, in the light of Thy face, celebrates the continuum in Your name, and exalted by Your righteousness ...").


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